Lin Chong

注册日期:2019-07-09 15:39:13

Power System Operations.rar - Power System Operations book shows power system operation basics and fundamnetals,2019-10-16 10:17:32,下载2次
Arduino Starter Kit.rar - Arduino Starter Kit a book explain how beginners can enjoy implementing Arduino kit in different applications,2019-10-16 07:02:30,下载0次
arduino development cookbook.rar - Arduino cookbook helps you to be familiar with projects implementation,2019-10-16 06:35:16,下载1次
arduino by example 2015.rar - Arduino by Examples book hope to be useful for all readres,2019-10-16 06:32:18,下载2次
Load Dispatch.rar - Load Dispatch files collection beneficial in electricity market research fields,2019-09-29 04:56:12,下载1次
Arduino Relay.rar - Arduino Relay pdf files include Arduino application in designing Synchro-checking relay,2019-09-29 04:37:15,下载1次 - 8085 micro-controller execution files compatible with windows operating system,2019-09-29 04:35:50,下载0次
4 way valve simulink.rar - 4 way valve Simulink files useful for mechanical engineering field,2019-09-29 03:51:47,下载0次
simulink_power_system.rar - Sim Power Systems toolbox,2019-09-25 08:06:55,下载0次 - GTM_DesignSim-master,2019-08-16 03:36:29,下载13次
ABB_Switching_Manual.rar - ABB switching manual,2019-07-10 08:10:56,下载0次
Synchronous Machine.rar - Optimal Dispatch Faults,2019-07-10 02:48:23,下载0次

近期下载 - AQUILA is a MATLAB toolbox for the one- or twodimensional simulation of %the electronic properties of GaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor %nanostructures.
acement-of-SSSCs-in-57-Bus-IEEE-Power-Test-System - FACTS设备的优化配置是大规模电力系统中的一个复杂问题。并给出了最优布置方案...
滑模变结构控制MATLAB仿真 - 上传内容为滑模变结构控制,MATLAB仿真,基本理论与设计方法。
VSG_wuyuan_OK_2.rar - 一种虚拟同步发电机仿真模型,通过投切负荷达到频率波动的效果,然后VSG根据控制策略改变输出。
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Over-Current-Relay-Co-ordination.rar - When a fault occurs in any portion of the power system network, the primary relay must act first. But to be on the safer side a Back-Up relay to the Primary relay is also provided with a proper discrimination time in their operation. Discrimination time is provided so as to allow the primary relay to act first. In case if it fails, then the back-up relay acts. This is done so as to isolate the healthy portion the faulty portion. Time of operation is basically determined by the following relay settings: 1. Plug Setting Multiplier (PSM), and, 2. Time Dial Setting (TDS) So for a given fault current we have a desired
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STATCOM_DIY.rar - 静止无功补偿器 直接电流控制法的matlab模型
dianlidianzi.rar - 电力电子电机控制MATLAB仿真模型,包括矢量控制盒直接转矩控制,以及变流变频等
滑模变结构控制MATLAB仿真(第2版)仿真程序 .zip - 滑模变结构控制本质上是一类特殊的非线性控制,其非线性表现为控制的不连续性,这种控制策略与其它控制的不同之处在于系统的“结构”并不固定,而是可以在动态过程中根据系统当前的状态(如偏差及其各阶导数等)有目的地不断变化,迫使系统按照预定“滑动模态”的状态轨迹运动。由于滑动模态可以进行设计且与对象参数及扰动无关,这就使得变结构控制具有快速响应、对参数变化及扰动不灵敏、无需系统在线辩识, 物理实现简单等优点。该方法的缺点在于当状态轨迹到达滑模面后,难于严格地沿着滑模面向着平衡点滑动,而是在滑模面两侧来回穿越,从而产生颤动,即抖振问题。 中文名 滑模变结构控制 外文名 Sliding Mode Variable Structure Control 别 称 滑动模态变结构控制
