
注册日期:2019-07-22 10:58:56

Programming - 《Hive编程指南》是一本ApacheHive的编程指南,旨在介绍如何使用Hive的SQL方法——HiveQL来汇总、查询和分析存储在Hadoop分布式文件系统上的大数据集合。《Hive编程指南》通过大量的实例,首先介绍如何在用户环境下安装和配置Hive,并对Hadoop和MapReduce进行详尽阐述,演示Hive如何在Hadoop生态系统进行工作。,2019-07-22 11:45:16,下载0次
R Graph - This book is targeted at R programmers who want to learn the graphing capabilities of R. This book will presume that you have working knowledge of R.,2019-07-22 11:42:26,下载1次
R - With more than 200 practical recipes, this book helps you perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently. The R language provides everything you need to do statistical work, but its structure can be difficult to master. This collection of concise, task-oriented recipes makes you productive with R immediately, with solutions ranging from basic tasks to input and output, general statistics, graphics, and linear regression.,2019-07-22 11:40:31,下载1次
Learn R for Applied - Do you need to gain confidence with handling numbers and formulae? Do you want a clear, step-by-step guide to the key concepts and principles of statistics? Nearly all aspects of our lives can be subject to statistical analysis. Statistics: An Introduction shows you how to interpret, analyze and present figures. Assuming minimal knowledge of maths and using examples from a wide variety of everyday contexts, this book makes often complex concepts and techniques easy to get to grips with. This new edition has been fully updated. Whether you want to understand the statistics that you are bombarded with every day or are a student or professional coming to statistics from a wide range of disciplines, Statistics: An Introduction covers it all.,2019-07-22 11:38:06,下载1次
Julia High - Julia is a high performance, high-level dynamic language designed to address the requirements of high-level numerical and scientific computing. Julia brings solutions to the complexities faced by developers while developing elegant and high performing code.,2019-07-22 11:34:46,下载1次
刷脸背后:人脸检测 人脸识别 人脸检索.zip - 人脸识别是当今热门的研发方向,在安防、金融、旅游等领域具有十分广泛的应用。本书全面、系统地介绍“刷脸”背后的技术,包括人脸检测、人脸识别、人脸检索相关的算法原理和实现技术。本书中讲解的算法具有高度的可操作性和实用性。通过学习本书,研究人员、工程师能够在几个月内,系统了解、掌握人脸检测、人脸识别、人脸检索相关的原理和技术。本书内容新颖、层次清晰,适合高校教师、研究人员、研究生、高年级本科生、人脸识别爱好者使用。,2019-07-22 11:30:30,下载13次

matlab(watershed).rar - 实现分水岭算法,可以对数字图像进行分水岭分割 - 本程序可以从一定目录下搜索DICOM文件并构建3D图像,并且可以从3个维度显示图像。
