
注册日期:2019-07-31 11:10:40

Qt5开发及实例(第二版).rar - Qt is a well-known cross-platform C++ visual development platform. Qt open source version provides the same functions as the commercial version. Qt 5 Development and Instance (2nd Edition) inherits the popular Qt 5 development and examples from the market.At the same time (Q1 5.4.0), QT application development is more systematic and more readable.This book is divided into two parts: The first part is the traditional Qt Widget programming. Each chapter introduces the Qt 5 application in a small example based on a brief introduction to the development environment.The development techniques of the program are generally introduced and explained through examples.,2019-07-31 11:17:46,下载17次
STL源码剖析(侯捷版本).rar - Anyone who learns programming knows that reading and analyzing famous code is a shortcut to improve the level.Before the source code, there is no secret.The masters' meticulous thinking, experience, technical ideas, and unique styles are all in the original source code.The source code presented in this book allows the reader to see the implementation of vector, the implementation of list, the implementation of heap, the implementation of deque, the implementation of Red Black tree, the implementation of hash table, the implementation of set/map; see various algorithmsThe implementation of (sorting, finding, arranging, data movement and replication techniques); even the implementation of the underlying memory pool and high-level abstract traits mechanisms.,2019-07-31 11:14:45,下载3次

