
注册日期:2020-03-23 20:57:57

OLAP info Hala.rar - This presentation for OLAP information system,2020-03-24 04:16:13,下载0次
ofdm with fft.rar - this presentation for OFDM WITH FFT systems,2020-03-24 04:15:00,下载0次
FFT by DSP.rar - this presentation for fast Fourier transform,2020-03-24 04:11:31,下载0次
fft with ofdm.rar - this presentation for chaotic turbo communication,2020-03-24 04:07:45,下载0次
turbo_sys.rar - this code for Turbo Coding Design in communication,2020-03-23 23:07:50,下载1次
Chaotic Hala.rar - this presentation for Chaotic Switched Turbo Coding Design,2020-03-23 23:05:46,下载0次

近期下载 - matlab中关于dsp的全部程序 还有仿真模块
fdsp.rar - DSP程序 Matlab是一套用于科学工程计算的可视化高性能语言与软件环境。它集数值分析、矩阵运算、信号处理和图形显示于一体,构成了一个界面友好的用户环境,在这个环境中,问题与求解都能方便地以数学的语言(主要是矩阵形式)或图形方式表示出来。
adaptfilt.rar - 自适应滤波程序
adaptive_interference_cancellation_with_LMS_algor - this is a code for adaptive interfrence cancellation on a certain signal using the least mean square algorithm LMS using matlab. - Matlab code for the least square error channel estimation and Minimum Mean Square channele estimation for a MIMO OFDM system. simulation result is compared with theory.
OFDM_Channel_estimators.rar - 可对OFDM信道进行预测,对初学者会有帮助~
3-ici-diminution.rar - In a rapidly fading environment in high data rate wireless communication systems the orthogonality of OFDM sub carrier signals destroyed and this phenomenon potentially results in Inter carrier interference (ICI).The novel contribution of the paper is that, the effects of ICI have been analyzed and solutions to ICI diminution have been presented in different frequency offset values such as 0.5,0.15 and 0.30 . The first method is a self-cancellation scheme, in which redundant data is transmitted onto adjacent subcarriers such that the ICI between adjacent sub carriers cancels out at the receiver. The other technique the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) method statistically estimate the frequency offset and correct the offset using the estimated value at the receiver
