
注册日期:2020-04-06 02:20:56

Colea (2).zip - software application capable to manipulate and analyse speech signal, extract characteristic parameters needed for speech synthesis and to enhance the speech quality,2020-05-27 08:17:40,下载0次

k_nn.zip - kNN的思想:计算待分类的数据点与训练集所有样本点,取距离最近的k个样本;统计这k个样本的类别数量;根据多数表决方案,取数量最多的那一类作为待测样本的类别。距离度量可采用Euclidean distance,Manhattan distance和cosine。
huffman_matlab.rar - 图像压缩的Huffman编码与解码,matlab源代码
turbo.zip - libjpeg-turbo是对libjpeg的扩展,支持SIMD指令,如X86架构的MMX、SSE、SSE2、3DNOW,ARM架构的NEON,在对jpeg进行编码和解码的过程中能提高速度。
fractal-image-compression-using-Quadtree-decompos - MAtlab code for fractal image compression
gridding.zip - Gridding is a method of interpolating data from an arbitrary 2D sampling pattern to a uniform grid. In MRI, this allows rapid image reconstruction. There are numerous publications on MR gridding reconstruction. The tar file includes numerous .m scripts, and C code that can be compiled to a .mex function. You will need to compile the MEX functions - in Matlab try "mex gridlut_mex.c" and "mex calcdcflut_mex.c" These should result in files gridlut_mex.mex??? and calcdcflut_mex.mex??? where ??? depends on your operating system. Run the function spiralexample.m in Matlab.
Gridding.rar - To read the micro array gray scale image, and image equalization using histogram equalization.To finding or assigning the location of each spot in the micro array image.
CODE.rar - Fourier transform dynamic time wads
985887.rar - 国外的基于MATLAB的分割算法,比较详细,有样图,需要的可以看看
DWT.zip - Codage DWT, pour une codage DWT
GVFSnake(matlab).rar - GVF snake用matlab实现,可用于图像边缘检测和分割
