
注册日期:2020-04-12 11:28:51

CHtmlView.rar - VC6中使用CHtmlView在对话框控制中显示HTML文件源代码,2020-04-12 11:33:05,下载6次
DBClass.rar - 介绍一个增强的数据库类CDataSetVC源代码,使用一个模板记录集类来降低类向导所产生的记录集文件的数量,同时增强记录集类(CRecordset)的功能。,2020-04-12 11:32:03,下载0次

Costas_Arrays_MATLAB_Toolbox_v1.14.zip - These MATLAB functions were created for use in the generation, classification and manipulation of Costas arrays. The code was created and is maintained by Ken Taylor, Konstantinos Drakakis and Scott Rickard. For more information on Costas arrays and the latest version of the Costas Array Toolbox, consult: www.costasarrays.org This material is based upon works supported by the Science Foundation Ireland under Grant No. 05/YI2/I677.
AWGN.rar - 介绍AWGN下平方环和科斯塔斯环的性能仿真分析
costas.zip - 基于costas环路的载波同步,使收发时钟频率和相位一致,环路包括四个部分乘法器和低通滤波、鉴相器、环路滤波器和数字振荡器组成
PLLSimulation.rar - 该程序包含一般数字PLL仿真maltab程序和数字COSTAS环程序
Costas.rar - This is a matlab program that generates Costas code, and plots its signal and Ambiguity Function, Matlab 2013 is required to run this program.
costas--m.rar - 本程序是用matlab程序语言编写的costas环仿真程序,并对于模拟的costas环的性能进行了分析,costas环主要用于载波同步,本设计实现了对于载波频率跟踪的实现,并且给出图形对比
costas环解调.zip - costas环解调程序,需要的可以参考一下。costas环解调.m
costas.zip - costas环matlab仿真,已经通过验证可行
bpsk_costas_.rar - bpsk modulator/demodulator feedback sync with costas
costas.rar - costas锁相环matlab仿真代码,对costas环的研究和硬件实现具有指导意义。
costas.rar - if you would like bpsk costas
costas_pYll.zip - this zip file includes bpsk, gmsk, qpsk and other test examples. it will be helpful for people who are using matlab simulink. almost all of the files is indicating how to form the simulink algorithm.
itsmycostasloop.zip - This file includes costas algorithm who is using and studying the matlab simulink. I hope this zip file would be helpful for them.
ch3example25.rar - costas环的matlab程序,里面有具体的仿真,可以很清楚的明白,他主要是simulink的仿真,有些函数特别的重要。自己要好好的查。
costas.rar - 内含costas环代码与simulink 结合起来理解比较好
costas_chuantong.rar - 传统的COSTAS环SIMULINK建模仿真
CarrierRecovery.rar - Carrier Recovery Using a Second Order Costas Loop
27796688costas_simulation_bak.rar - 本程序是用COstas环跟踪信号的处理过程,具有较好的跟踪性能,
try2.rar - costas 环的simulik建模与仿真
costas_gaijin.rar - 改进COSTAS环SIMULINK建模仿真
