
注册日期:2020-05-03 02:31:56

fuzz.rar - matlab code of wsn master,2020-09-12 22:19:40,下载7次
WSN-Clustering-master (2).rar - matlab code for wireless sensor networks,2020-09-12 22:17:17,下载1次
wsn FL.rar - matlab code for logistic machine learning,2020-09-12 22:15:52,下载4次
CSCluster-master.rar - matlab code for cluster master,2020-09-12 22:12:55,下载0次
CL_SEARCH-master.rar - support vector regression in matlab,2020-09-12 22:09:37,下载0次
Naive Bayes Classifier.rar - navie bayes algorithm with matlab code,2020-05-28 00:13:49,下载0次
Neural Network.rar - neural network with matlab codde,2020-05-28 00:03:51,下载2次
Linear Regression.rar - linear regression with matlab code,2020-05-28 00:00:56,下载1次
K-Mean Clustering.rar - k means clustering with matlab code,2020-05-27 23:58:52,下载3次
logistic-regression-master.rar - logistic regression using matlab code,2020-05-27 23:49:32,下载1次

randomforest.rar - data=[]; a = randperm( ); %填写总数据数量 Train = data(a(1:20),:); %取1到20行为训练集 Test = data(a(21:end),:); %剩下的为测试集 % 训练数据 P_train = Train(:,2:end); T_train = Train(:,1); % 测试数据 P_test = Test(:,2:end); T_test = Test(:,1); %% 创建随机森林分类器 model = classRF_train(P_train,T_train); %% 仿真测试 [T_sim,votes] = classRF_predict(P_test,model); %%获得随机森林,T_train); %%随机森林试图 view(ctree); view(ctree,'mode','graph'); %%十字交叉验证 leafs=logspace(1,2,10); N=numel(leafs); err=zeros(N,1); for n=1:N,T_train,'crossval','on','minleaf',leafs(n)); err(n)=kfoldLoss(t); end plot(leafs,err);
随机森林分类器.zip - 输入特征向量训练随机森林分类模型,并计算分类结果的Kappa系数,混淆矩阵,准确性,特异性和敏感性。
PG_Curve-master.rar - 分类结果处理:混淆矩阵,precision,recall,roc等
svm-regression-k-fold-cross-validation.rar - SVM with K-fold cross validation
KNN.rar - Implement the K nearest neighbor algorithm by your own instead of using available software. 2. Use K-fold cross validation to generate training and testing datasets. You should try different K values (3~8) to see how they affect your result. 3. Train the classifier using your training dataset, and test the classifier using your testing dataset. 4. Repeat the experiment (Step 2 and Step 3) 30 times. For each time, you need to record the training data accuracy and testing data accuracy. Finally, you can obtain the average training data accuracy and average testing data accuracy.
K-Fold_CV_Tool.gz - MATLAB cross-validation tool for classification and regression v0.1 FEATURES: + K-fold cross validation. + Arbitrary train and prediction functions with parameters can be used. + Arbitrary loss function can be used. + Wrappers for KNN, SVM, GLM, robust regression and decision trees. + Wrappers for RMSE, MAD and misclassification loss functions. - Feature selection methods for machine learning algorithms such as SVR, including one filter-based method (CFS) and two wrapper-based methods (GA and PSO). The gridsearch is for the grid search for the optimal hyperparemeters of SVR. The SVM_CV is for the k-fold cross-validation of SVR. All the programs are flexible and could be implemented by the users themselves. - support vector machine
sh_SVM_regression.rar - 支持向量机的工具包,很有用可以直接导入matlab中进行使用 - support vector machine
53607895svm.rar - Support Vector Machine- svm
svm.rar - 支持向量机算法用于图像分类的程序,实现算法并输出图像
41695068SVM.rar - 支持向量机的matlab程序,支持向量机的分类算法
Support-Vector-Machines.rar - this is matlab code of Support Vector Machine and plotting the result. - 支持向量机/网络算法(SVM)属于分类型算法。SVM模型将实例表示为空间中的点,将使用一条直线分隔数据点。需要注意的是,支持向量机需要对输入数据进行完全标记,仅直接适用于两类任务,应用将多类任务需要减少到几个二元问题。
SVM.rar - Support Vector Machine
svm_classify_indian_pine.rar - 支持矢量机分类,MATLAB语言,图像分类程序
SupportVector.rar - 支持向量机的matlab代码。其中包括支持向量机的训练代码。
SVM.rar - 支持向量机 这是我的老师编写的matlab源文件 希望对大家有用
chapter14.rar - 这是支持向量机回归预测的程序,可复制性高,可以重复利用,值得借鉴于学习。
