
注册日期:2020-06-12 05:56:28

MT6227_schematic.rar - MT6227 reference schematic,2023-11-21 07:52:04,下载0次
LED_BARGRAPH.rar - led bar graph proteus file with hex.,2023-11-12 00:47:38,下载0次
Hotel.rar - hotel management system project,2023-11-02 22:03:13,下载0次
DG - Code-OPTIMAL PLACEMENT OF MULTI DG IN 33 AND 69 BUS SYSTEM USING PSO,2023-10-27 06:46:14,下载0次 - 3.7VOLT BATTERY CHARGER SCHEMATIC. CT3582C CHIP IS USED. NO OVER CHARGING. REVERSE POLARITY PROTECTION. AUTO FULL INDICATION. LED FLASHES DURING BATTERY CHARGE,2023-10-21 02:37:44,下载0次 - water level led with arduino C SOURCE CODE ino file proteus design is also included water level led with arduino C SOURCE CODE ino file,2023-10-16 15:21:45,下载0次 - COMPLETE C FILE FOR VOLT METER.7SEGMENT DISPLAY IS COMMON ANODE. COMPILER IS HIGH-TEC FOR PIC,2023-10-16 14:53:33,下载0次
battery charger display_pcb.rar - battery charger pdf file,2023-10-11 11:32:52,下载1次
svc.rar - Synthèse des Réglages de statcom,2023-10-04 04:55:08,下载0次
CH1_2.rar - CH I - AUTOMATISATION DES SYSTEMES,2023-09-18 06:19:20,下载0次
mux.rar - mux A burglar alarm is designed to detect all four input signal lines. Line A is from the secret control switch, line B is a pressure sensor under a steel chest in a locked closet, line C is from a battery-powered clock, and line D is connected to a switch on the door locked closed. The following conditions produce a logic 1 voltage on each line ? A: the control switch is closed ? B: the safe is in its normal position in the closed ? C: the clock is between 1000 and 1400 hours ? D: closed door is closed Write the switching expression for the burglar alarm that produces a logic 1 (triggers the alarm) when the safe is moved And the control switch is closed Or when the lock is opened after hours Or when the cupboard is open And the control switch open. ? Establish the output function. ? Simplify. ? Establish the flowchart. Using Proteus software, perform the output function using the MUX 74153.,2023-09-18 06:12:11,下载0次 - demo code for si4463 to help you implement,2023-08-26 02:21:53,下载0次 - 文件名称:计算机使用手册 文件类型:PDF 文件大小:2.5 MB 创建日期:2023年8月9日 语言:中文 文件描述: 本计算机使用手册提供了关于计算机硬件和软件的详细信息,旨在帮助用户正确使用和维护其计算机系统。手册包括以下内容: 系统要求:列出了计算机硬件和操作系统的最低要求,以确保系统正常运行。 硬件配置:详细介绍了计算机内部各个组件的功能和连接方式,包括中央处理器、内存、硬盘、显卡等。 软件安装:提供了操作系统和其他常用软件的安装指南,以及安装过程中可能遇到的常见问题的解决方法。 系统设置:演示了系统启动设置、用户账户管理、网络连接配置等操作步骤。 故障排除:列出了常见的计算机故障情况及其可能的解决方案,帮助用户在遇到问题时快速解决。 维护与保养:提供了保持计算机性能的建议,包括定期清理、更新驱动程序、防病毒措施等内容。 无论您是新手还是有经验的用户,本手册都将成为您使用计算机的有用指南。如有任何疑问或需要进一步的支持,请联系我们的客户服务部门。,2023-08-09 23:14:15,下载0次 - Matrix_Converter_3phase,2023-07-05 19:20:54,下载1次
3 Level NPC Inverter .zip - 3 Level NPC Inverter,2023-07-05 18:16:50,下载0次 - Direct power control with PLL,2023-07-05 18:07:24,下载0次
Inroduction_Electronique_De_Puissance.rar - This file aoubt Power Electronic , Course,2023-07-05 18:04:17,下载0次
RECTIFIER double simulink.rar - RECTIFIER double simulink,2023-07-05 18:01:32,下载0次 - EEG signal classification using matlab code,2023-06-28 18:01:22,下载0次 - Abnormal-EEG-Signal-Classification-Using-CNNs-main This code is for detecting abnormal EEG signals using CNNs,2023-06-28 17:57:26,下载0次 - Robust exact differentiation via sliding mode technique,2023-05-22 05:51:59,下载0次 - Equations differentielles du premier ordre On appelle equation differentielle une equation etablissant une relation entre la variable independante x, la fonction inconnue y et ses derivees,2023-05-18 05:27:59,下载0次
archive (1).zip - 工业过程的自动化涉及工业活动的所有方面:生产 组装 装配 控制 储存 搬运等,2023-05-14 06:47:25,下载0次
PWM.rar - pwm three phases (Pulse Width Modulation) A modulation technique that generates variable-width pulses to represent the amplitude of an analog input signal. Like its fixed-width pulse density modulation (PDM) cousin, the output switching transistor is on more of the time for a high-amplitude signal and off more of the time for a low-amplitude signal. The digital nature (fully on or off) of the PWM circuit is less costly to fabricate than an analog circuit that does not drift over time. See PDM.,2020-06-12 13:00:58,下载1次

近期下载 - java版本的万年历,可以显示当前时间,如当前年、当前月、当前日、当前小时、当前分钟等等
Painel ADM RF Online By Capiroto V 1.6.rar - panel admin rf
MiniChat.rar - This is a mini chat project - 这些录音由Thorsten Zander,柏林,和蔼可亲地提供;如果你使用这些录音的出版物,请引用: 赞德,T. O.,Kothe,C.,Jatzev,S.&Gettne,M(2010)。增强人机交互与主动和被动脑机接口的输入。在大脑-计算机接口中(181-199页)。斯普林格伦敦。
kiwi122_eng5.rar - Kiwi format basic document 5 - Use EM78447 to implement the test cases for EMVCo Type Approval.
miniPOS-SampleApp - 最小的POS终端,满足您的所有需求定制您的支付体验,以适应您的品牌形象。车...
V3.0a.rar - EMV book1 emvco level1
EMV Contactless-2016(v2.6).rar - EMV 非接触CPU卡规范, 通信协议,内核
NMEA2000标准.zip - nmea2000电器接口资料,可参考一些
NMEA2000_App_B4_DataTypev1.210A.rar - NMEA 2000 Appendix B4
NMEA2000_App_B3_DataFormat_v1.210A.rar - NMEA 2000 Appendix B3
NMEA2000_App_B2_DataDictionary_v1.210A.rar - NMEA 2000 Appendix B2
UDS_BootLoader - UDS_BootLoader,,
ased-Diagnosis-of-an-Inverter-Fed-Induction-Motor - 基于机器学习的逆变器供电异步电机诊断,,
timer_counte.rar - EM4094 ID 卡的51读卡方案,很经典的代码,主要是uEM 公司的ID卡,支持ISO15693协议,读卡的ID号后通过串口发送出来的例子,已经在为酒店的门锁项目上使用
EM4094ReaderFirmware.rar - EM4094 RFID Reader Firmware Description固件描述
EM4094ANTA.rar - em4094是一款性能比较好的15693的rfid芯片,本资料是对他的天线设计的参考,对使用的他的人是个很好的资料
EM4094FOR13.56MHzREAD.rar - 用em4094构建13.56Mhz读卡器,详细介绍了方案及方法
em4094reader.rar - 用em4094和STC12C5412合成二代证读写器,该文中有完全原理图和软件设计思路
