
注册日期:2020-07-30 07:24:26

完整 - 一个完整的ofdm仿真过程,梳状导频 ls解码 可调psk,2020-07-30 08:00:03,下载5次
QuaDriGa_2016.09.05_v1.4.8-571.rar - QuaDriGa 信道综合资料,一种适用于多金属环境的多径信道,2020-07-30 07:56:21,下载3次
OFDM块状梳状.zip - ofdm 信道估计 16qam MMSE估计 对比了块状导频和梳状导频的区别,2020-07-30 07:51:28,下载10次
大程序.zip - 迭代信道估计,ls信道估计方式 MMSE均衡 迭代了四次,2020-07-30 07:48:00,下载5次 - MIMO-OFDM 无线通信技术及matlab实现,2020-07-30 07:45:27,下载1次

近期下载 - Rectangular horn antennas Horn antennas are popular in the microwave band (above 1 GHz). Horns provide high gain, low VSWR (with waveguide feeds), relatively wide bandwidth, and they are not difficult to make. There are three basic types of rectangular horns.
Horn_Antennas.rar - The horn antenna is widely used in the transmission and reception of RF microwave signals. It is usually an assembly of flaring metal, waveguide and antenna. Beyond the fundamental knowledge of microwave propagation, it is essential in the design of horn antenna to understand the intricacies and design considerations at two important ends: the points of propagating microwaves and points of intercepting microwaves. Great care must be taken at the receive ends especially if it involves astronomical applications where the microwaves to be intercepted are from extra terrestrial sources extremely far away and hence very weak. This paper highlights the design considerations of a horn antenna which are fundamental principles employed in the design of a compact horn antenna that will be suitable for astronomical application at
m_appendix_b.rar - antenna design, rectangluar waveguide
ModernDesignofAntenna.rar - 近代天线设计 800余页 一、天线辐射原理 二、偶极和单极天线 三、缝隙天线 四、环天线 五、行波天线 六、非频变天线 七、喇叭天线 八、反射面天线 九、透镜天线 十、微带天线 十一、相控阵天线 十二、自适应天线阵 十三、天线阵综合 - 对合成天线进行matlab 仿真,有很强的指导意义 - TE_Horn , TM ... antenna simulation
hornfields.rar - field distribution of a horn antenna 2D
horn.rar - field distribution of a horn antenna 2D
ant_2_v2.rar - 阵列天线中方向图波束,方向性系数,半功率波瓣宽度等相关性能参数的计算仿真
horn-antenna.rar - Source code for horn antenna in matlab. Plots include..E and H sectoral planes. and the directivity of the horn antenna is calculated..Removing the signs it takes values from user to plot Electric field polar diagrams. - 关于球面波的传播演示的matlab源程序,在大学物理中很有用
tianxianyuanli.rar - matlab在天线原理中的应用,求出辐射电阻,方向系数,E面方向图 ,HPBW - This program simulates the interference pattern of two Gaussian beams.
beamF.rar - good for viewing the beam pattern of antenna - 介质层间反射系数及其透射系数的求解,此处是二分之一匹配层结构
菲涅尔系数计算Matlab.rar - 基于MATLAB软件,使用者在交互界面GUI上输入入射介质、反射介质的折射系数n1、n2,可算得不同入射角条件下线偏光/自然光的菲涅尔透反射系数及透反射比
reflect.rar - 光学领域的菲涅耳反射及透射,发射率,透射率等详细程序
电磁波上传.zip - 模拟电磁波传播特性,模拟电磁波的透射、反射、折射中的透射特性
area1.rar - for transmission coefficient
S_SlabinAir.rar - 该matlab函数计算自由空间里有限厚度、无限大的各向同性媒质块(允许频率色散)在任意极化、任意入射角度的来波下的反射和透射系数,用户可以指定计算的频段。
