注册日期:2020-08-04 16:37:41

Customer.zip - A simple customer information management system, customer-centric, scientific management and information technology combined to achieve the unified management of customer information. The system is applicable to enterprises, companies, education and training institutions, enterprises and institutions,2020-11-23 19:31:43,下载0次
lssy3.rar - Typical case management: Manage customer case content Legal consulting management: users publish online consulting details, background view, management and other related operations Web AD management: includes some image AD management. Generate JS calls, add couplets AD management and floating ads, can control whether to display (off), very powerful function,2020-11-23 19:30:05,下载1次
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fnqywzglasp.zip - 1. Unlimited channel settings, independent designation of channel types. 2. Complete information release settings. 3. Independent slideshow settings 4. Members, messages, orders, comments, connections, and internal links are all available. Enterprise Company,2020-09-21 21:54:33,下载0次
jianbook.zip - The program uses asp+access, no need to install a database, as long as the IIS system windows system can be used, it can also be used in the local area network. The code is super simple, and there is only one file for management and front desk. The interface is beautiful, and the experience is OK. We will continue to update the experience and add some functions in the future,2020-09-21 21:49:40,下载0次

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Sample Entropy.rar - 求一维时间序列的样本熵(Sample Entropy)值,包含 计算时间序列样本熵值的程序 :SampEn.m 调用SampEn的例程 SampEn_test 和测试数据数据 data 测试结果为 0.1736
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out-matlab.zip - SVM回归,用于实现支持向量机(SVM )回归拟合的问题。可以用来做一些短期的预测,如短期负荷预测。
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