
注册日期:2020-08-18 10:33:53

0-1ga.zip - 使用遗传算法对解决方案进行优化 0-1背包问题(GA),2020-11-24 16:49:19,下载1次
pso-clustering-master.zip - 使用粒子群算法对无线传感器网络进行聚类(PSO),2020-11-24 16:46:12,下载9次
genetic_for_wsn-master.zip - 使用遗传算法对无线传感器网络路由协议进行优化,2020-11-24 16:45:11,下载15次
Firefly_Algorithm_WSN-master.zip - 使用萤火虫算法对传感器网络进行覆盖的优化(FA),2020-11-24 16:44:14,下载7次
DE-Clustering-master.zip - MATLAB使用差分进化算法进行聚类,函数很细,2020-11-24 16:41:05,下载2次

leachSEP.zip - 路由协议LEACH 和路由协议SEP协议的比较仿真。
PSO_ELM.zip - 粒子群优化的超限学习机,运行快,拟合效果好,很方便使用
FOA-ELM.rar - 算法思想是:1) 根据果蝇优化算法得到极速学习机隐层神经元的数目;2) 依据得到的隐层神经元数目和极限学习机的方法对训练样本和测试样本进行训练学习。只要打开fruitfly_elm.m文件运行即可,可以换数据集
BA_ELM.rar - 这是一份能够运行得通的代码,请放心下载,极限学习机。
ELM与BP、RBF、PNN、GRNN比较.rar - 这是一份能够运行得通的代码,请放心下载,极限学习机与其他算法比较。
全局群智能优化算法改进ELM.zip - 利用全局优化算法改进群智能算法从而改进ELM
pso优化elm.zip - pso优化elman神经网络 使其精度更高
PSO-ELM-master-Heart Disease Diagnosis.zip - 此为所有对睡眠质量进行优化的程序,可以进行参考
KELM.zip - 可用作数据的拟合和分类。核极限学习机采用了核函数,将数据投射到高维空间分类
PSO_ELM.zip - 粒子群优化极限学习机的参数。最佳粒子位置即为最优输入权值和隐层阈值。自己跑过的,放数据匹配一下就可以用
src.zip - 在无线传感器网络中,传感器节点通信并接收数据的代码
tymo.rar - 无线传感器网络多跳控制程序 tymo无线传感器网络多跳控制程序
uart.rar - 实现无线传感器网络的数据收发功能,数据采集由加速度传感器完成
无线传感器网络.zip - 基于ZigBee无线传感器网络的蔬菜大棚远程监管
coco.rar - 无线传感器网络QoS保证技术 无线传感器网络数据融合技术 无线传感器网络安全机制
DataAggregationSensorNetworks2.zip - data aggregation in sensor networks...
ESTIMATING-THE-ERGODIC-CAPACITY.rar - Data aggregation is essential that exploits correlated sensing data and aggregates at intermediate nodes to reduce the number of messages and to improve the energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks. This project considers the problem of constructing data aggregation tree in a wireless sensor network for a group of source nodes to send sensory data to a single sink node. We propose an ant colony algorithm for data aggregation in wireless sensor networks. Simulation results have shown that our algorithm can reduce significant energy costs.
prediction-based.zip - 基于双端预测的数据融合经典算法,解释详尽,值得参考
recluster-in-wsn-by-using-data-aggregation-techni - I am doing research in wireless sensor network in data aggregation. here cluster head send packet to base station .by using k means cluster algorthim A network is divided into k layer. k cluster are formed in k layer . each cluster has one cluster head . all cluster member send data to its corresponding cluster head by using TDMA . the cluster head performs the data aggregation and forward packet to base station .
in-de-in.zip - code for wsn The statements below guide us to write the code for the transmission of sensed data to a sink node using cognitive radios in multiple spectrum bands. In doing this we are trying to find the most appropriate modulation scheme using MATLAB simulation.
