
注册日期:2020-09-20 09:10:16

character_jersey_shader.zip - Comrades! the existing structure of the organization is an interesting experiment in checking the directions of progressive development. Equally, the framework and place of personnel training entails the process of implementation and modernization of the personnel training system, which corresponds to pressing needs.,2020-09-20 09:24:15,下载0次
FrostyHash.zip - Ideological considerations of a higher order, as well as the beginning of daily work on the formation of a position, allow us to assess the value of the development model. The significance of these problems is so obvious that the further development of various forms of activity provides a wide range of (specialists) participation in the formation of new proposals.,2020-09-20 09:20:50,下载0次

JTesssendorf.rar - Water simulation technique which is also used in Titanic, Waterworld films. Algorithm can be implemented on GPU vai DirectX 11 computa shader todays graphics cards provides.
OceanWater.zip - 用vertex shader和pixel shader编写的超经典的海水运动
projgriddemo.zip - 一个很好的海浪模拟程序. 注意编译环境是VC2003.net和directx 9.0 sdk
