
注册日期:2020-10-22 16:38:53

Final-Doc-Students3k.rar - this is a final year IEEE based project for the detention of faces and ii will be using windows exe.,2020-11-06 17:04:46,下载0次
Face-detection.zip - this is an IEEE paperwork an algorithm based face recognization tool.,2020-10-22 17:25:56,下载1次

3.rar - Reversible Image Watermarking Using Interpolation Technique
Reversible-New-Code.rar - Reversible data / Logo Image Hiding using DCT.... Application has design using UI..
Hiding-data-in-an-image.rar - matlab程序源码,可以在图像中隐藏信息
lsb.zip - The project title is modulo based lsb steganography. normal lsb steganography can be breaked by the histogram analysis and statistical analysis. but the modulo based lsb steganography strongly resist agains the steganalysis like histogram and statistical analysis...........
LSB-Data-Hiding-Image.rar - 图像的组成无非是一些字符串或者一些字节组成的字符串,然而,每一个字节数据位的重要度并不是一样的,两个相邻字节往往只有低位是不一样的。例如:00100110和00100111代表了两个不同渐变度的红色,但是就人眼是分辨不出来的。最低有效位LSB算法,就是利用这一点,达到图像压缩,或者数字水印的功能。
sea---Xufeng-Lin.zip - 【论文源代码】Xufeng Lin and Chang-Tsun Li, Preprocessing Reference Sensor Pattern Noise via Spectrum Equalization, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol.11, no.1, pp.126-140, Jan. 2016
NetDiskv3.2.rar - 版本信息:网络硬盘.Net 3.2 (免费版) 开发环境:Microsoft.NET Framework SDK 主要功能:   ·支持多人注册使用,注册后生成自己的专用文件夹,互不影响;   ·在线上传文件、可分文件夹管理;   ·设置共享权限功能,可设置指定会员读取、写入,或允许全部会员读写;   ·会员管理功能,可对每个用户的单独空间大小进行设置;   ·登录时验证码控制安全登录;   ·支持大文件及多文件上传;   ·支持文件搜索;   ·好友添加及文件查看功能;   ·公共共享目录及文件查看;   ·共享文件下载统计;   ·空间地址访客查看功能;   ·访客留言功能;   ·系统短消息功能;
25webdisk.zip - 网络硬盘 · 支持多人注册使用,注册后生成自己的专用文件夹,互不影响;   · 在线上传文件、可分文件夹管理;   ·设置共享权限功能,可设置指定会员读取、写入,或允许全部会员读写;   ·会员管理功能,可对每个用户的单独空间大小进行设置;   ·登录时验证码控制安全登录;   ·支持大文件及多文件上传;   ·支持文件搜索;   ·好友添加及文件查看功能;   ·公共共享目录及文件查看;   ·共享文件下载统计;   ·使用方法访资源管理器。
1.Reversible-Data-Hiding-With-Optimal-Value-Trans - 1.Reversible Data Hiding With Optimal Value Transfer
JAVA-Data-Hiding-Project-Code.zip - Java Data Hiding Project, We used the watermarking in the input image itself, and later decrypt the key image too. reversible data hidind project with executable code
Reversible-New-Code.rar - Reversible data hiding in images
ReversibleData_hiding.rar - LSB based reversible data hiding
Reversible-Data-Hiding.zip - REVESIBLE DATA HIDING
MSB.rar - 实现索引图像的MSB位隐藏和分析,参考书籍是王丽娜的信息隐藏技术
Encryption.rar - reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images by Reserving Room Before Encryption
Cristy-video-data-hiding-code.zip - Recently, digital multimedia has become widely distributed in computer and network technology. For digital multimedia distribution applications, issues surrounding information security have received significant attention. Data hiding has been one of most researched issues in information security. In this paper, reversible video data hiding based on neighborhood similarity is proposed. Prediction encoding was used to compute the prediction errors. All prediction errors were explored to develop a histogram-based reversible video data hiding algorithm. The results show that the proposed approach has a higher capacity and similar embedding distortion compared with other related schemes. Also, the original video frame could be recovered after the hidden information was extracted.
hongmaincode.rar - 根据An Improved Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Using Side Match 这篇文章编写的matlab 程序 文件夹里面有文章和代码
RRBE.rar - reversible data hiding code for color images
APPM-2013-12-29.zip - Image data hiding using adaptive pixel sharing method. here a pixel pair is changed. A good result.
1.rar - A New RDH Scheme with Improved Capacity Based on Directional Interpolation and Difference Expansion
