
注册日期:2020-11-28 23:43:02

c#.rar - My Project is about an Online Competition ,Written in Visual Programing (C#) by using Windows form ,Now I Will talk about the components &tools of my project .It content five form Form1 tools: two textbox to enter the username & password, two Lable ,& two Button for start & return when you press the start Button we will move to second forms that include the Question form. Form2 tools: three Lable ,the first Lable for Question, the second contains the score of the Question it(30 score) & the third Lable to Calculates the time taken to answer it associated with the timer tool,& the timer tool to count the time in Question , three RadioButton to Choose the answer & one Button to move the form3. Form3 tools: it the same tool & contents As form2.,2020-12-19 01:03:45,下载0次

svm--matlab.rar - matlab智能算法30个案例分析源码之--支持向量机的分类--基于乳腺组织电抗阻性的乳腺癌诊断 包括原始数据和SVM分类代码 是学习支持向量机的好的案例
SVM_Toolbox.rar - Matlab源代码,包括支持向量机分类算法(SVC_C,SVC_Nu),回归算法(SVR_Epsilon,SVR_Nu),以及One-Class算法。
svm.rar - SVM方法的基本思想是:定义最优线性超平面,并把寻找最优线性超平面的算法归结为求解一个凸规划问题。进而基于Mercer核展开定理,通过非线性映射φ,把样本空间映射到一个高维乃至于无穷维的特征空间(Hilbert空间),使在特征空间中可以应用线性学习机的方法解决样本空间中的高度非线性分类和回归等问题。svm 程序,即支持向量机的代码。
featurepoints.zip - 基于sift特征点的图像复制粘贴篡改被动认证
interactiveLine.zip - Radon变换仿真, 对边缘图像进行边缘检测,直线边缘
attachments.zip - radon transform application
DJPG-TIFS2012.rar - Image forgert detection using DJPG.
e-DCT.rar - DCT copy move forgert detection.
bks-copy-move-detection-master.zip - Copy Move Forgery Detection matlab progran and source code
target.zip - 复制粘贴(copy-move)图像篡改检测算法matlab实现
xiangweixiangguan.rar - 利用傅立叶变换和相位相关法来检测图象的区域复制伪造
Phase Correlation.rar - Phase correlation using FFT
pipei.zip - 灰度相关法、相位相关法、和金字塔+相位相关法对实现图像匹配
ExtPhaseCorrelation.zip - 数字图像相位相关性,对两幅图像位移的前后相位变化进行检测
phasecorrelation.rar - 运用相位相关法对图像进行匹配,并通过图形形象地显示相关系数位置。对图像的亮度变换不敏感,相关峰尖突出,有较高的配准精度。
matlab-Imagechange.rar - 这是一个matlab图像变换程序包,包括傅里叶变换、离散余弦变换、Radon变换等
imagetransformationbymatlab.rar - Radon变换的matlab工具包,大家可以看看
Radon-Transform-to-detect-lines.rar - Radon变换原理及其在直线检测上的应用
image.rar - 将图像细分成16个子块,并对两两子块做相位相关
Phase_base_gui.rar - phase correlation - image matching
