
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:38:33

mario.rar - Support start Java Applet way Mario game source code, in addition to using the Applet is started, the game also supports the use of Frame mode.Source code, including a full set of Java files, images, etc., can be to modify the source code to compile in Eclipse environment.,2021-04-15 16:00:48,下载0次
vb6.0cjdlt.rar - Super brings pick software VB version attached to the source code, the author: new forest.Program using the Access database has been enclosed.,2021-04-15 16:00:28,下载0次
vbexcelbj.rar - Excel contents comparing similarities and differences between VB code demonstrates, compare two Excel spreadsheet content is same, differentiation than a simple example of a function, and, more importantly, through this program, you can know more about VB Excel spreadsheet file operation skills.,2021-04-15 16:00:19,下载0次
qqmsg.rar - Forced through QQ messaging support multiple send VB version at the same time, to a specified friends or contact force is not his best friend's QQ send a message.,2021-04-15 15:01:33,下载0次
VBMThread10.rar - A Vb multithreaded controls from abroad and test the Demo source code, the code is simple, stable running under IDE, vba use OK, compiled aside, recommend this look, implement method of I don't understand, look at the code simple, should be imaginative work, the author said that in some cases will Crash.,2021-04-15 15:01:26,下载0次
csevent.rar - C is entrusted with event handling a case, use the code to demonstrate the creation of a commissioned and event method, similarities and differences, and their respective characteristics, at the same time, the code in the attached technical data, more detailed illustrates the similarities and differences of the two, can be regarded as a study commissioned by the tutorial.,2021-04-15 15:01:19,下载0次

aniso.rar - 各向异性粘弹性介质地震SH波动方程正演程序
jufang.zip - 模拟电缆局部放电simulink仿真。可用于信号特征量提取和分析之用。
matlab录音与音频处理GUI界面.rar - 基于MATLAB的GUI界面程序,语音信号处理,DSP。 效果不错。
populationevolution.rar - 使用演化博弈描述认知用户网络选择问 题,给出了基于种群演化的网络选择算法。
水位.zip - 使用matlab建模,将传统的pid控制技术与模糊pid技术进行对比,控制液位
Excel文件的读取和写入.zip - 使用matlab对Excel文件进行操作,包括写入和读取,也就是实现Excel和Matlab交互
householder.rar - Matlab程序: Householder变换法的程序,此方法可以用于求解zernike 多项式波面拟合的系数,且能避免病态方程的产生!
边缘检测.rar - 包括canny,sobel,log等边缘检测的改进算法,使用效果良好
reconstruction.rar - 基于双目视觉的三维重建,包含了重建过程中的基本步骤。
project.rar - 多项式的加减法运算,输入的多项式带有未知数x和数字
LinearArrayForTaylor.rar - 阵列天线的Taylor分布matlab程序,包括口径分布和取样离散
tiff_process.rar - 它可以实现16位灰度tiff格式的灰度像素提取出来,并输出该数据到excel表
tfrpwv.rar - tfrpwv是计算离散信号X的Wigner-Ville分布.Tfrspwv是计算离散信号X的平滑伪Wigner-Ville分布.
em_ghmm.zip - EM算法,用于估计参数的一个初级入门实例
01生成标准数据.zip - 对目标轨迹数据加噪声,设置雷达经纬度,提取雷达可视部分
6.rar - 基本卡尔曼滤波算法,用于目标跟踪,适用于毕业论文设计及工程人员参考 这个比较简单 易懂
copressorcharastis.rar - 求解曲线拟核,很有用,在压气机编程中使用
yujinxiangqudongbanxuexibiji.rar - 郁金香驱动班学习笔记,时时记录,可以帮助新学员快速掌握新知识
StereoVision.rar - 实现OpenCV、OpenGL、VS2008混合编程,输入校正后的图像对,使用立体匹配算法计算其视差图,最后用OpenGL进行三维重建。
matlab.rar - 一维光子晶体带隙分析计算的matlab仿真
