
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:39:49

PsapiTest.rar - Process under Windows environment, enumerate all the currently running process information, the user can by double-clicking the process ID to view the process of attribute information in detail, such as the acquisition process on the number of page fault, using the maximum, the current using value, maximum buffer value pages, buffer pool unused pages, used pages, maximum use file pages, etc.The enumeration process used in programming at ordinary times higher risk, such as whether a program is running, files to occupy, etc., so it is a practical worth mastering skills.,2021-04-24 20:01:35,下载0次
devcpp_glut.rar - VC OPENGL glut libraries: glaux. H gl. H glu. H glext. H class library file downloads, at the same time also includes the LIB libglaux repository. A, libglu32. J a, libglut. J a, libglut32. A, libopengl32. A file download, such as in the use of OPENGL 3 d software development project, may require the above file.,2021-04-24 20:01:28,下载0次
TestView.rar - VC source code demo 3 d graphics drawing and blanking system design and implementation, this example source code by the method of MFC implementation of the cube drawing and blanking.,2021-04-24 20:01:07,下载0次
jqueryrightad.rar - JQuery implementation web pages in the bottom right hand corner AD code, compatibility is want to be a good, click shut down, slowly shut down, shut down after the small ads, like some portal website advertising, or in the form of advertising and the bottom right hand corner is quite common.,2021-04-15 16:02:49,下载0次
fladasuanpan.rar - Flash SNS - abacus animation simulation and can be used for commercial moral Flash advertisements, business and commercial cooperation, on behalf of a certain industry, will now use an abacus is running out, but this animation is based on the amount of Flash's format, animation effects also pretty fluent, good Flash material.,2021-04-15 16:02:43,下载0次
FileManagerApp.rar - C copy write similar to Windows explorer, relatively coarse interface wrote some, not too much to optimize the interface, the program can automatically enumerate all the content of the disk system, each folder in a tree on the left, the right side of the display on the left side of the corresponding directory file contents, window cutting display, suitable for beginners to learn C.,2021-04-15 16:02:36,下载0次
html5webloading.rar - Collect some generated web pages based on HTML 5 technology Loading animation, animation canvas loaders, namely familiar website Loading effects, this is not the real Loading, is based on the CSS 3 draw out Loading animation effects, can be used for web page Loading, these all are very delicate, small animation animation smooth smooth, is a high-quality goods.,2021-04-15 15:06:16,下载0次
vcCallMSOffice.rar - VC call instance of Word, Excel file and display in the VC program window display and editing Word documents, after open the Word will automatically identify the language, if it is displayed in Chinese Word is Chinese version, this procedure is to call the function of the Word, also can call the Excel file, after the success of the call like Word operation function and interface, I think this function is very practical, testing interface as shown.,2021-04-15 15:06:03,下载0次

stm32-DPV3.1-2013.5.1.zip - Profibus-DP从站原理图, VPC3芯片配合STM32F103RBT6的系统,AD6原理图格式。
Infrared-Image-Enhancement.rar - 针对基于小波变换的红外图像增强方法视觉效果不够理想的缺点, 提出了一种基于平稳小波变换和Retinex 的红外图像增强方法, 利用Retinex 增强算法增强图像的视觉效果, 并改善其亮度均匀性。首先, 对红外图像经平稳小波变换后的最大尺度低频子带图像进行多尺度Retine x 增强 然后, 利用贝叶斯萎缩阈值法对高频子带图像进行阈值去噪, 并根据低频子带图像的局部对比度和模糊规则计算高频子带的增益系数, 从而得到增强后的高频子带图像 最后, 由低频子带图像和高频子带图像重构得到增强后的图像。针对大量图像进行了实验和增强效果的定性与定量评价, 并与双向直方图均衡法、二代小波变换法、Curvelet 变换法和多尺度Retinex法作了比较。结果表明, 所提出的方法增强了图像细节, 抑制了噪声, 并明显改善了图像的整体视觉效果。
OnvifClient.zip - Onvif协议的控制IP相机的方法,以及利用RTSP推流到视频服务器
acc.m.zip - 计算图像各种分割性能指标,最终结果保存在data里,有精确度、精准度、召回率、F1-score等指标。
identity-modulation.rar - 模拟调制识别,可以实现多种模拟调制的识别。。。。
main_attitude_measurement.rar - 基于gps载波相位整周模糊度的姿态测量系统实现的主程序
DCT-digital-watermarking-technology.zip - 提出了一种基于纠错编码的DCT域数字水印算法,该算法在检测时不需要原始图像,实现了盲检。并且对水印图像进行了利用超混沌置乱处理,提高了安全性能和抗攻击能力。纠错编码的引入使水印抗攻击能力明显增强。
2jxiaobozhengqiang.rar - 二进小波变换的图像增强,matlab代码
zuiduanlusuanfa.zip - 利用MATLAB读取excel邻接矩阵数据,利用自带函数dist对路网共193个节点循环,求解任意两点间最短路径长度,输出结果是矩阵形式
DirectX.rar - 《DirectX+游戏开发终极指南》是本好书,这是该书的exe电子书+网页版+源码,希望对初学者有所帮助……这网站的上传对名字的要求还真是蛋疼……
Drawing5_61.rar - 对薄膜生长的方法之一磁控溅射的过程模拟,采用蒙特卡罗方法。
PWM.rar - 用C语言编写的可实现产生PWM波,已经下载到单片机产生了PWM波,用于高压脉冲电源的设计。
street-lamp.rar - 智能路灯的节能控制器的源码程序 用于智能路灯的节能控制
LLE.zip - 该算法是局部线性嵌入的算法,代码无误,已运行,并且附带数据集,可以使用,非常实用。
POA.zip - 梯级水库优化调度问题中逐次优化算法方法求解
Induction-Motor-Identification-.rar - 介绍一种简易的异步电机参数辨识方法,该方法能在电机静止状态下辨识出电机的各个参数,并在基于TMS320F2812 为主控制器的异步电机无速度传感器矢量控制系统进行实验,将辨识得到的参数投入到实际系统中。
JTAG_Example0_Verilog.zip - 一个Verilog的JTAG程序例子,包括完整的说明文档和源文件。
untitled1.zip - 是一个dcdc反激式开关电源设计运用matlab的simulink模块,有具体的波形和数据设置
live555H.264.rar - VC下的RTSP源代码,live555+H264
PictureButton.zip - 实现MFC图片按钮,,可以实现四种状态的JPG背景图片
