
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:40:21

sbwz.rar - Flash waves text effects, like a ripple effect across the text above, does not support mouse response function, seem to see the ripple effect in screenshots, open the Flash file to see in person.,2021-04-15 16:05:39,下载0次
FlashTAb.rar - Flash dynamic TAB TAB contains the fla, operation style and JS, CSS, that is almost the same, but the kernel is based on the Flash, calling the SWF files on the web page, if want to modify please open source file modification.In the process of click the TAB to switch, switch with the fading effect, the real Flash smooth effect.,2021-04-15 16:05:29,下载0次
flatiaodongyuan.rar - Flash ring mouse follow animations attached source files, circle in follow the mouse at the same time, do s-shaped path to follow, a happy feeling.,2021-04-15 16:05:20,下载0次
h5aliupload.rar - HTML 5 ali cloud can preview to upload pictures, according to ali cloud oss image upload code, can realize image uploaded to ali cloud oss, and upload pictures in page preview.Code only need to change your ID and the key and the host.Easy to transplant.Note: test under the environment of the server, which is not directly in the browser open, to enter the address of the server can, because of access problem, if not in the server environment, preview pictures don't show.,2021-04-15 15:16:05,下载0次
PEInfo.rar - PEinfo source: PE information access and view the PE file, complete foreign source code, can be seen as a PE file information acquisition program,,2021-04-15 15:15:50,下载0次
AndroidDock.rar - HTML 5 CSS 3 imitation android DockMenu dynamic navigation menu, after the mouse on the menu slightly sliding upwards, by default, after open a webpage, menu to hide in the small arrow, use the mouse to click the small arrow on the computer can slide up the whole menu, on a mobile phone is touch the arrow can be skidded off the menu, the menu early from apple's official website, or dynamic menu style is very popular now.,2021-04-15 15:15:31,下载0次

linecount3.6.3.rar - 计算代码中行数的软件,下载后直接解压既可以使用,把源代码直接拖到界面里使用 - 一种图像对比度增强算法,包含demo,和图像性能测试
PS2库函数版本- - 无线手柄PS2库函数版本的代码,可以在串口上有输出
Algorithms.rar - matlab源码:K-means算法,粒子群算法PSO,模拟退火算法SA - 使用matlab实现对目前流行的BP,DNN神经网络进行实现,并附有数据 - MATLAB 遗传算法 利用遗传算法改进的BP神经网络,收敛性很好!很实用
rs-decoder-make-byvhdl.rar - - RS码是Reed-Solomon 码(理德-所罗门码)的简称,它是一类非二进制BCH码,在RS码中,输入信号分成k·m比特一组,每组包括k个符号,每个符号由m个比特组成。 - 8个单元的载波移相SPWM仿真程序。参数已经调好,用于理解载波移相的原理。
manage.rar - c++写的车辆监控的程序,框架搭好了,核心代码也实现了。串口接收GPS数据,实时在图上显示 - Apriori Algorithm in matlab
71477187dwt_embed.rar - 非压缩视频图像帧内水印的密写与复密写研究,源码和论文材料
swiss roll.rar - 用于数据降维LLE 瑞士卷数据 可以直接跑
ldpc_decode_MacKay_Neal.rar - decoding of binary LDPC as in Elec. Letters by MacKay&Neal 13March1997
PCB.rar - PCB板检测的大概流程如下:首先存储一个标准PCB板图像作为参考标准,然后将待检测的PCB板图像进行处理,比较与标准PCB图像的差异。根据差异的情况来判断缺陷类型。
PSOFCM.rar - 基于改进粒子群算法的C均值聚类算法研究。是一篇改进FCM算法的很好的文章。 - 实现偏最小二乘建模以及模型优度计算。应用于数据分析。
abd.rar - 三相异步电机变频调速仿真模型 仿真目的:改变三相异步电机的定子电源频率,观察电机定子电流,转速的变化规律。
雷达测距算法.rar - 通过matlab实现对雷达测距的标定。并应用于测量车辆左右以及后方车辆的距离,车道。
TVideoGrabber.rar - TVideoGrabber 是一款通用的视频捕捉和媒体播放组件,可用于 C#、VB、C++、Delphi、C++Builder 和 ActiveX-compatible 开发工具。软件功能强大,使用简单,可捕获来自 Firewire (IEEE1394)、DV摄像机、USB摄像头、电视卡、视频播放设备等的视频和音频信号,并保存为 AVI、ASF、WAV、MP3、MPEG2等格式文件。同时带有DV机控制,电视卡转台功能。 在录制视频的基础上,更可实现视频拼接、分割和格式转换功能。 软件内置播放器,可直接播放录制完成的多媒体文件,并提供基本的播放控制。 经测试,该版本没有功能限制。 - 比较不同约束长度下和不同回溯深度下的卷积码性能
