
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:40:52

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Final.rar - Use VC SQL hotel system source code, the note:,2021-04-15 16:10:16,下载0次
ChangeColor.rar - C DataGridView rows click add function code of color, was selected in the DataGridView control cell line in color, made of white change into other color, the color from already defined: private void Frm_Main_Load (object sender, EventArgs e) {dgv_Message. The DataSource = new List () {/ / bind data set new Fruit () {Name = "apple", Price = 30}, new Fruit () {Name = "orange", Price = 40}, new Fruit () {Name = "pears," Price = 33}, new Fruit () {Name = "peach", Price = 31}};Dgv_Message. Columns [0]. Width = 200;/ / set the column Width dgv_Message. Columns [1]. The Width = 170;. / / set the column width dgv_Message SelectionMode = / / set DataGridViewSelectionMode. How to choose the cell FullRowSelect;Dgv_Message. DefaultCellStyle. SelectionForeColor / / the foreground of the selected cell = Color. Blue.Dgv_Message. DefaultCellStyle. SelectionBackColor / / selected cell background Color = Color, LightYellow;},2021-04-15 16:10:09,下载0次

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