
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:40:59

hitlrbtnaltw_.rar - Jquery based implementation of an Ajax login box pops up the layer style of user login effects, click login text, in the current page pop up a login box, the effect of the login and registration function, are based on the form of a pop-up box, this is also the site using a form more, want to learn the jquery Ajax effect of friends, also can consider oh.,2021-04-15 16:11:17,下载0次
Binary16.rar - This source code Delphi to show how to convert hexadecimal to decimal, for example to convert hexadecimal ABC to decimal 2740, please note that in order to ensure the accuracy of conversion, please enter uppercase hexadecimal English letters.,2021-04-15 16:11:09,下载0次
shuibofla.rar - Flash water wave water lines animation flsah source material, water waves rippling effect, very good visual effects, there is a small water droplets in the water kept jumping, the waves will be more and more big.,2021-04-15 16:11:02,下载0次
Kinescope.rar - VC 6.0 screen video program, and recording the operation of the image on the screen, recording, FPS suggest no more than 5 frames per second, F2: start, end, record/F3: pause/F4: screenshots, to record whether can also be set when grab the mouse, the video recording information includes the following attributes: the total number of frames: speed: % d, % d frames per second, time: % d seconds, width: % d, height: % d, file size: % dK, recording time: % s.Relevant code: AVIFileInit ();/ / initialize the AVIFile function library HRESULT hRet;/ / the result variables hRet = AVIFileOpen (,2021-04-15 15:25:10,下载0次
phpcalendar.rar - PHP beautiful calendar (calendar) source, because of work need to use to the calendar program development system, but online calendar plugin, often cannot easily identify days, so he had to write a goofy calendar program, basically is to use looping statements in PHP and CSS styles to achieve control, more simple, for colleagues in need.The calendar effect is clear, easy to secondary revision on the source code.Because it is personal, if you have the wrong place, please notify the author to modify and change, thank you!,2021-04-15 15:25:02,下载0次
googleprquery.rar - VB realize network query, Google PR value, is a connection to a data network query program, used to collect part of the function, this example is used to query the PR value, but now the PR value is not updated, but the principle of query can see through this source, can be used to write reference to similar programs.VB source code can be directly compiled to run.,2021-04-15 15:24:37,下载0次

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gram.rar - Matlab 程序: 解决了Gram-Schmidt正交化方法,次方程法可以用于求解Zernike 多项式的波面拟合系数!
CS.rar - SAR回拨模拟及CS算法成像,参考书:合成孔径雷达成像原理(皮亦鸣)
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