
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:41:12

nicEdit.rar - NicEdit is a simple HTML pages online editor, the need to upload function to add, nicEdit besides upload function, almost including the commonly used web text editing features, including the layout, font style design, form insert, insert images, if no request to the editor to upload function, nicEdit should is good.,2021-04-15 16:12:51,下载0次
WaveEffects.rar - C water wave effect the source code, a simple C image processing effects, there will be water waves, water lines appear on the image, looks pretty good, will recommend source to all of you here.,2021-04-15 16:12:44,下载0次
flas52clock.rar - Can display the Flash of the lunar hour time effects, Flash circular electronic clock effects, use the Flash as scripting, is not difficult to Flash time effects as a whole, the source file in Flash8 can successfully compile the source files.,2021-04-15 16:12:31,下载0次
PostTest.rar - C simulation to send a post request, using WeChat simulation, post request simulator.WebClient wc = new WebClient ();Wc. Headers. The Add (" the content-type ", "application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded");Byte [] postdata = Encoding. UTF8. GetBytes (poststr);Byte [] responseData = wc. UploadData (textBox3. Text, "POST", postdata);/ / get returns the character textBox2.. Text = Encoding UTF8. Get string (responseData);,2021-04-15 15:28:31,下载0次
videogallery.rar - Online can be more a FLV video player, video switch, like focus figure, per click video thumbnails, will play the corresponding FLV video.,2021-04-15 15:28:25,下载0次
jspicshow.rar - Smooth js version of the page before and after pictures show, picture after each from a turn to the current, the action button on both sides of the pictures for manual control switch, and compatible with firefox browser, can be used as web photo album photos show, excellent graphic effects such as recommended.,2021-04-15 15:28:16,下载0次

Coursera.zip - 实现强化学习,完成人工智能,实现机器学习,掌握分类算法
dsss01.rar - 直接序列扩频通信系统仿真程序,使用matlab语言设计的程序。
关联规则挖掘.zip - 对经典的数据挖掘算法 Apriori 算法和 FP-growth 进行简单实现
PAPR-Reduction-of-FBMC-Using-Sliding-Window.rar - sliding window and active constellation extension for fbmc oqam signal
H5简历模版.zip - 基于HTML5和CSS的个人简历模板,供大家学习交流
rgb2lab.rar - 本程序通过matlab实现图片的RGB域到LAB域的转换,本程序包含测试程序,可以完全跑通,敬请放心使用。
LFMCW_Radar_simulation0r.zip - fmcw系统简单实现,适合初学者学习,没啥可说的了
bluetooth(ok)-20190911.zip - 一个基于OPNET的D2D通信模拟代码,主要是简单的模型
yuyanjiaozheng.rar - 实现对鱼眼图像的校正 我自己执行过 可以使用
99行拓扑优化.rar - 文件为关于拓扑优化的简易程序,并附上很多解析,适合做拓扑优化的初学者使用。
FPGA.rar - 无线通信FPGA实现的代码 有matlab和verilog
111820160133962.rar - 实现了织物疵点检测,利用小波分析实现,可选择功能
MIMO.rar - MIMO系统,BPSK,MQAM通过相关Nakagami信道进行各种分集技术的仿真
LBP-and-SVM.rar - 采用LBP提取目标特征,利用svm训练分类器,可对图像进行分类预测,效果好
TSP.rar - 根据混合粒子群算法原理,在MATLAB中编程实现基于粒子群算法的TSP搜索算法,给出了适应度函数,粒子初始化,交叉操作,变异操作,最后给出了仿真结果。有图可以看出,混合粒子群算法能够较快找到连接各个城市的最优路径,谢谢,希望能够给大家带来帮助。
swat model FORTRAN language.rar - SWAT模型的源代码。分布式水文模型SWAT在水文中享有较高的盛誉,它能够综合反映一个地区的水文地质状况,以及水文气象状况,而其源代码更是研究SWAT的必备“神器”,学习了解SWAT的源代码不仅可以在最短的时间内学习到SWAT的“精要”,更能学习其Fortran语言,了解模型到代码的转换,更能学习到其模型的“实质”。
FOC.rar - 基于xc164的PMSM电机FOC控制,基于xc164的PMSM电机FOC控制
Camshift.rar - CAMSHIFT的多目标跟踪isMHI结合CAMSHIFT的多目标跟踪
PTS-PAPR.zip - PTS法降低OFDM系统峰值平均功率比的源代码
卡尔曼滤波仿真程序用于匀速运动的目标跟踪.rar - 基于匀速直线运动下 进行卡尔曼滤波程序,包括仿真等,
