
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:41:44

html5Raindrop.rar - HTML 5 Canvas frosted glass rain animation, special effects, this effect shows raindrops fell on the ground glass animation effects, note that the effect of frosted glass is on the basis of the image, based on fuzzy processing and it technology, is not a complete calls to display images, the rain is also very vivid animation simulation, raindrops fall on the glass, and then with the effect of gravity down slowly.,2021-04-26 14:05:58,下载0次
RadioAndCheck.rar - The use of Radio and the Checkbox in the Android source code examples,2021-04-26 14:05:31,下载0次
scaleSimple.rar - Flash text zoom in at present, as a prelude to the effect that words constantly enlarge, visual effect is similar to walking to your presence, and then disappear, then the text continues to enlarge, also is very often see on TV effects, Flash how to do?Please refer to the source code.,2021-04-26 14:05:24,下载0次
GetPubIPs.rar - VC dynamic access to the network IP address, similar to automatically obtain the address, to get to automatically obtain the IP address of the code, which has improved the use this procedure to obtain IP address, it will upload the data to the specified network space, and synchronous update data, boot to run automatically, global shortcuts, etc.Note that the program is running automatically generate a web page, and will automatically jump to the native IP.,2021-04-16 10:06:23,下载0次
lbyhbyc.rar - Don't adopt HTML 5 game - the roadside wildflowers, the remote calls the tripartite game some JS library website, if the three parties site failure, the game may not be able to run normally.If you want to modify the repository address: 1, modified index. The HTML page.2, Windows host may need to set up a json file format support, setting methods please baidu, is not difficult.,2021-04-16 10:06:16,下载0次
css3paper.rar - Most HTML 4 paper flip effect for instance, is a four page animation, click the picture to see a similar page animation effects, please abandon IE, when the test support Chrome, firefox, 360 speed, such as multiple browsers, as shown in figure for one of the flip effect of demonstration.,2021-04-16 10:06:08,下载0次
mishitaotuo.rar - Do you think you response quickly?Try it "chamber of secrets escape game knew it!Test your game "chamber of secrets escape" I had many close, is too abnormal condition!Abnormal reaction test game "chamber of escape" can customs clearance you can flash the bullet!Game play is very simple: 1, determine their own living space, moving around 2, click on the screen, to avoid falling barriers, 3, see you how quickly, insist on how long, 4, and if they are obstacles to, it is finished.,2021-04-15 16:17:40,下载0次
delphinetstudy.rar - Four Delphi network programming example source code, this a few examples are: dynamic change DNS, in WinNT network neighbors get all workgroups, get a machine on the network neighborhood of disk space, in the network neighborhood for all computer and information sharing resources within the specified working group, etc., believe that although a small network of small procedures, for you to learn some basic knowledge of Delphi will have very good effect.,2021-04-15 16:17:32,下载0次
sjdzmp.rar - PHP qr code, phone card online source generated module, electronic business CARDS and qr code contains the business card information such as name and phone number, mobile phone after sweeping qr code, you can automatically save the information to the mobile phone address book, do not need to manually input.Make a phone call and send text messages can also be directly click on the name card, also convenient.This code implements mobile electronic business CARDS and online generation function of the qr code, simple to use convenient.,2021-04-15 16:17:25,下载0次
CppBuilderAdventure.rar - C Builder depth adventure - source CD attached with books, a fairly good VC programming book, it contains two versions of the source code, with books have environment can control the chapters of the book to learn.,2021-04-15 15:36:35,下载0次
ExportMDB.rar - VB to Access database format conversion into dat format, not very common, but should know about the conversion principle.This conversion program at the time of conversion database is quite fast, may be my database file is small, be interested in a try.,2021-04-15 15:36:21,下载0次
PHPMyWindCMS.rar - PHPMyWind CMS is a professional enterprise website, the company website construction system, PHPMyWind CMS scalability is very strong, it is not only just a CMS, or a set of the underlying code, is a toolkit, is a kaleidoscope.PHPMyWind CMS built-in multiple classes and functions, development foreground and the background completely using PHP native code, and the system is open free of charge.,2021-04-15 15:36:13,下载0次

ica_ng.rar - 自己编的,基于自然梯度的盲源分离算法,如果想对自然梯度有所了解,可以参考Amari的经典文章。网络上一搜就行。
FG-NETFACES.rar - 一个基本的FG-NET人脸库,包含有彩色图像和黑白图像。有82组,尺寸规模不一,用于人脸识别、人脸检测都行
NModbus.rar - 用C#实现的modbus协议源码,非常有价值
classify_analog.rar - 模拟信号调制识别,论文上算法的实现,用于计算特征参数:零中心归一化瞬时幅度谱密度最大值、瞬时幅度等 - 主要描述了单模光纤和多模光纤耦合对接的模场分布情况
Fragment.rar - 基于MATLAB生成Word和Excel文档
Untitled6.rar - 信号研究方面的分布式目标DOA算法,经过验证的算法
cs.rar - 在matlab环境下,仿真基于循环平稳特征检测的频谱感知,
MFC_OPENCV.rar - 在OPENCV平台下实现车牌识别的一套程序 简单有效 可以试试 用C++写的 - 基于OpenCV实现的图像特征区域跟踪程序,基于类Mean-Shift实现的颜色直方图概率匹配算法,可同时跟踪6个特定目标区域。
stm32l151低功耗及唤醒例程.zip - 这是stm32f151停止模式的低功耗例程,唤醒方式为RTC定时唤醒。
上传pudn.rar - 从心电信号提取呼吸信号,和信号频谱分析 用于对信号的频谱分布做分析,输出为频谱变量和图示 - BM3D去噪算法开源代码,不是MATLAB的保密脚本文件,可更改
trackAnalysis.rar - 基于学生轨迹行为的成绩预测分析,基于R语言。DTW动态时间弯曲算法。 - 道格拉斯-普克算法(Douglas–Peucker algorithm,亦称为拉默-道格拉斯-普克算法、迭代适应点算法、分裂与合并算法)是将曲线近似表示为一系列点,并减少点的数量的一种算法。它的优点是具有平移和旋转不变性,给定曲线与阈值后,抽样结果一定。
DS-01444A.rar - 光伏微网逆变器设计手册,从光伏板特性分析到DCDC反激升压再到DCAC逆变最后到锁相环检测并网都详细说明。
XC800-FOC-KEIL.rar - 采用ukeil 写的电机FOC控制程序,MCU为XC886
rs_code_sys.rar - rs码通信系统的仿真实验,包括源程序和说明 - 使用遗传算法对pid参数优化 遗传算法简称GA(genetic algorithms),它是模拟自然界遗传机制和生物进化论的一种并行随机搜索最优化方法。它将“优胜劣汰,适者生存”的生物进化理论引入优化参数形成的编码串联群体中,按所选择的适配值函数并通过遗传中的复制、交叉及变异对个体进行筛选,使适配值高的个体被保留下来,组成新的群体,周而复始,群体中个体适应度不断提高,直到满足某一条件。 。
20060418083529571.rar - 彩色车牌的一种新的阈值分割算法的实现,可以参考实现其他型状的彩色分割
