
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:42:23

delphijw.rar - A complete Delphi educational administration management system management system source code, including the teacher log management system, student course management system, educational administration management system and printing subsystem, SQL2000 database was adopted, comparing old ha ha.But each subsystem of the source code can be compiled successfully in Delphi7 environment, one of the subsystems run screenshot as shown.,2021-04-15 16:24:28,下载0次
JCOLOR.rar - Java USES the slider palette program, this demonstrate a based on RGB color palette program source code, when adjusting each represent different color numerical JSlider slider component, the color of the upper window will change accordingly.,2021-04-15 16:24:13,下载0次
alllist.rar - C sequence of All elements in the specified conditions, use the List sequence object to create the List personnel List, determine whether All staff are more than 30 years of age, dgpwC sequence of usage: bool result = People. All (p = > p.O ld > 30);Display the query results: label1. Text = "data source: {1," the king * ", 28}, {2, "zhao east", 31}, {3, king "*", 33} ";/ / data source label2. Text = "query expressions: All (p = > p.O ld > 30)";/ / query expression/operation label3. Text = "query result:" is the result. The ToString ();/ / the query results in more detail please download the source code.,2021-04-15 16:24:07,下载0次
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vmusic.rar - VB examples related to MIDI (piano), equipment operation, this seems to be very professional ah, is related to music equipment control, for example, the source is just simulation implementation, like the piano, the mouse to click the piano every piano a wonderful sound, and shows that the sound of the information.,2021-04-15 15:44:52,下载0次
csThunderSpeed.rar - C development WinForms version download program source code, support breakpoint continuingly, support multiple tasks at the same time download at the same time, each task can be multi-threaded download.From Winform interface, which can realize the following:,2021-04-15 15:44:45,下载0次

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