
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:42:29

vcFighter.dsw.rar - VC aircraft games, can automatic layout, save the game, load the previously saved game, some custom options, such as the interface of the game have a help window, and text scrolling effect, the game interface is also very good oh.,2021-04-15 16:25:03,下载0次
images_view.rar - Java photo slideshow effects, written in pure Java image slide loop playback function, the effects of each switch time is different, very beautiful, believe in learning useful oh.,2021-04-15 16:24:55,下载0次
ShowImageByForm.rar - C open drag and drop images and tiling window background, choose a picture drag the window (actually don't have to drag in this program, as long as the selected images more than 2 seconds), you can display the image in a window.At time of writing a program, don't forget to add two of the more important namespace: using System. IO;/ / to manipulate using the file System. When;/ / thread programs at the same time, the program also custom images and file operations class: the background of the form shown by drag and drop images, add by drag and drop to the TreeView control folder directory, return to the higher level directory, display the name of the folder all subfolders and files, access to all files and folders in the folder, and of judgment, the single FileSystemInfo if the folder is the recursive operations, etc., these classes can be used in other C program development.,2021-04-15 16:24:48,下载0次
hahaha_fla.rar - Visual design Flash download site source code, a set of Flash web site source code, a creative company share to everyone for reference study.,2021-04-15 15:46:40,下载0次
jqupdownslide.rar - Width of adaptive web pictures show - suitable for enterprise website, adaptive web width or the screen resolution changes, left and right sides is always fill screen, see will find that the image of the background consistent with Div picture scroll area, can quickly achieve this effect, the adaptive image switching effect, look from the vision the sense that gives a person is very broad, very atmospheric, used as a corporate website is pretty good.,2021-04-15 15:46:29,下载0次
ESCToCloseForm.rar - Visual C increase the Esc key to close the form in a window function, if press the Esc key, exit the application, by default, the window of the Windows is not press Esc to exit or closed, but on the WEB, a lot is to press Esc can be closed, or quit a certain function, such as WEB page full-screen playback video, can press the Esc key to exit full screen, this procedure is in the condition of Widnows window, press Esc to close the window function is equivalent to click the close button.,2021-04-15 15:46:21,下载0次

CMisFpCurd.rar - farpoint控件进行了二次封装,能够快速的帮助进行farpoint操作 - 从一张图片上对绝缘子的背景处理,进而提取绝缘子图像
不同信号.zip - 不同信号的循环谱(AM,BPSK,BFSK,DME等)可以直接使用,来分析信号的循环平稳特性。
cal_epsilon_miu_lyra.rar - 从cst中导出snp格式文件,读取到matlab中,提取S参数,运算得到单元结构的等效介电常数和磁导率。 - dnn的训练及搭建源代码,非常实用,对初学者是一个不错的起点,特别是深度学习方面的 - 最小平方反褶积的相关程序,可用于相关地震资料的处理和分析 - 车道线检测,实验代码,本人已经验证过,可以直接使用,带有图片和实验结果 - 基于MATLAB的pso算法的测试函数Schwefel函数
PHD_CPHD_tracking.rar - 随机集跟踪算法的研究程序,包含PHD和CPHD两种算法的仿真过程
iocomp.rar - 极品工业仪表控件iocomp的使用说明,很详细,找了好久才找到。。。
fiberSPR.rar - 光纤SPR共振峰理论分析,可以改变不同的光纤参数得到共振峰信息
Connect4.rar - alpha-Beta剪枝实现的重力四子棋 包括界面 以及 AI
matlab振动分析程序.rar - 这个是用来计算白噪声测试的,特别适用于振动台试验。编程简单,测试也比较符合预测值。
new_pynn.rar - 自己编写的公司人员管理系统,环境QTCreater+SQL server,分普通员工和管理员权限不同,实现不同功能。
Niche1.rar - 基于小生境排挤机制的GA算法,对学习遗传算法具有很好的参考价值!
S函数.zip - 可以实现微网逆变器VF控制。测试通过可以使用。
STM32 FOC 源代码.zip - STM32 永磁同步电机磁场定向控制算法(FOC) - 信号处理中的积分运算,以位移、速度和加速度为例,适用于matlab。
Convolution-coding-and-decoding.rar - 基于matlab的卷积码编码和译码,以及对卷积码性能分析
ad - 使用c语言开发51版的ADC功能与LCD功能。
