
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:43:19

androidFireworks.rar - Android - android - fireworks effects, though not perfect, but can be used as a beginner of an instance, looks like a fireworks blast effect, android mobile development example source code a lot of people are needed.,2021-04-20 00:08:24,下载0次
flashlevLevitated.rar - Flash ball three-dimensional rotation effects, a 3 d space ball rotation effects, multiple ball joint rotation to form three-dimensional effect, built-in Flash source material.,2021-04-20 00:07:51,下载0次
ifficImage.rar - Made of js plug-in with web photo album, photo album on the display mode, by way of the thumbnail rolling line first, after click to browse mode, this mode is similar to web focus figure, can browse on one piece, the next, in terms of compatibility, support many of the major browsers.,2021-04-15 15:59:25,下载0次
TImage.rar - This source code is to demonstrate how Delphi to empty TImage component in the picture, as shown in the sample screenshots, TImage component already loading an image, click on the "empty image" button, the following code will call empty TImage component of image data: procedure TForm1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);The begin image1. Picture. Graphic: = nil;The end;This is a relatively junior Delphi image components usage examples, Delphi beginners learning for reference.,2021-04-15 15:58:07,下载0次
TestUsb.rar - VC USB driver programming source code, seemingly VC programming information on this little oh, worthy of reference.,2021-04-15 15:57:37,下载0次
scrollGallery.rar - About web focus figure, with thumbnail image control switch sliding focus image code, beside the control arrow will be shown on a picture, and the next, click the switch pictures after.This example a total of three kinds of effects, each effect is roughly same, but the location of the control button is different, this can choose according to his be fond of, sample screenshots is only one of them.,2021-04-15 15:57:30,下载0次

近期下载 - Ethercat的iPcore,有研究Ethercat的朋友可以看看
BPSO.rar - 二进制粒子群算法,MATLAB版。可以下载试试
arma_analyse-and-forecast.rar - 1、时间序列的ARMA(自回归移动平均)算法代码实现; 2、能用于平稳时序的分析和预测; 3、使用C/C++开发。 - 上述两个文件分别是遗传算法和包括侧倾的三自由度车辆模型,遗传算法(GA)主要用于辨识三自由度车辆模型参数,主要辨识的参数有前后轴等效侧偏刚度、整车绕X轴和Z轴的转动惯量、质心位置、悬架侧倾刚度和阻尼等关系参数。
Getneff.rar - 运用matlab,求解单模光纤的有效折射率,常用于BPM算法之中
line.rar - comsol计算线声源声场分布,对于初学者非常重要
Turbo - 完成turbo码的实现过程,以SCCC的模型完成信息传输
xyz2neu.rar - XYZ坐标转为GLOBK或者QOCA中的NEU,以及大地测量中大地线反解问题,即由经纬度解算大地线长度
cvCarRecogAll.rar - 关于vc的车牌识别程序,基于mfc和opencv的程序,大家学习啊。
RectDetector.rar - 矩形检测:用霍夫直线检测方法来对图像中的矩形进行检测。开发环境:vc6,需要安装OpenCV。OpenCV只是用来读取和显示图像等简单操作。 - 有关小区之间的蜂窝通信,消除小区间的干扰,通过仿真可以得出结论!
Strategy.tar.gz - 重力四子棋程序,通过人工智能中的alpha-beta剪枝实现,AI的实力至少高于一般人的水平,人比较难下赢。通过调用getPoint函数获得下一个落子点的坐标 - 全卷积神经网络FCN用于图像分割的工具箱 - poa算法,关于梯级水电调度的c#算法源程序。适合梯级水电站短期优化调度 - 针对带时间窗的车辆配送问题,用遗传算法,有很多程序,这些程序都是对遗传算法中需要的函数注释以及函数用途说明。并且画图来看遗传算法的优化过程和迭代次数及最优解 - 本程序用于进行平板裂纹扩展,模拟,分析,平板内气孔夹杂的分析,使用的方法为扩展有限元法(XFEM),程序语言为MATLAB.
cmpp2.0.rar - CMPP2版短信平台行业版源码,含配置文件 - 汽车ABS模糊PID控制方法的仿真研究,SIMULINK仿真用
squa_ellippbg.rar - 利用平面波计算了正方格子椭圆柱光子晶体的能带结构
0999.rar - 卡尔曼滤波是一种数据处理方法,它是一种线性最小方差无偏估计准则,基于系统 状态估计和当前观测,通过引入状态空间而获得的新的状态估计.本篇论文陈述了卡尔曼滤 波的基本思路和算法;并通过仿真,显示卡尔曼滤波的功能,以及如何用它来跟踪方向确定、速度恒定的飞行器。
