
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:43:32

css3-animation-menu.rar - A dynamic range of the two levels of Menu to the right, in turn, expand gradually change the background color, dynamic Menu, have very good user response effect, when the mouse on the above, the secondary Menu will expand to the right belongs to, and the background color will change color, is a typical CSS3Animated Menu multilevel Menu, in addition to using the navigation Menu outside the range of technology, also combined with JS to common implementation.,2021-04-15 16:33:57,下载0次
vcledclock.rar - VC LED electronic clock, the style like matches, but only as a body oh, and don't use the controls, implement the interface of digital electronic clock, a bit like the taste of the LED clock.The electronic clock source code can be directly under the VC 6.0 compiler through.,2021-04-15 16:33:50,下载0次
elementmenu.rar - Flash design realize the picture style menu, cascaded down the Flash menu, visual effect is quite good, automatic loading picture when open the menu.,2021-04-15 16:33:36,下载0次
vbFlatForm.rar - VB to make personalized graphic form instance, flat flat window style, with VB6.0 by use control source code, write the implementation based on VB6.0 by use, compared with the default style of window, the window tend to be more flat, visual effect is different, compile after running the root directory of test program to view the form style.Source code under the root directory is the use of Control test cases, code in the Control plane form Control folder.,2021-04-15 16:03:07,下载0次
Javaejb.rar - Java EJB instance set, learn EJB novice friend, don't miss this instance set, it involves a lot of EJB in terms of basic knowledge and skills.,2021-04-15 16:03:00,下载0次
wavy-3d-effect.rar - Another difficult HTML 5 3 d transform effects animation, why do I feel this effect is difficult, because the generated after the graphics, for many operations, free for 3 d graphics transformation, probably I am more stupid, I think the effect is relatively tall, but it is not so easy to implement.Ha ha, I won't, who will not difficult.,2021-04-15 16:02:53,下载0次

FLOW-3D-v11-1-user-manual.rar - FLOW-3D原版手册,找了很久都没找到,在此分享给大家,难得! - 采用BPSK调制技术,用ZF和ZF加并行干扰消除的方法检测系统的误码率。 - 单相三电平二极管钳位逆变器仿真(载波层叠调制) - 本程序可读取Yokogawa 光谱仪多个数据文件(CSV格式)并寻峰。数据文件为多个光栅串的测试光谱。串联光栅波长间隔等距,可确定等距串联光栅的中心波长和峰值强度,将数据存入mat file 使用前请设置若干重要参数 【wl_start】 【wl_end】 【FBGs_num】 【Min_PowerValue】【Peaks_seperation】 其他相关变量说明 【OSA_data】 所读入的光谱全图 里面可能包含更宽的波长 【OSA_data_FBGs】截取光栅串所在波长区间,由【wl_start】 【wl_end】决定 导出的数据文件为 FBGs.mat, 其中所保存的 重要变量为 【FBGs_peaks】 【FBGs_peaks】 第1列:峰值所在序号; 第2列:横轴-光栅串中心波长值; 第3列:纵轴-光栅串光强值 - 《高等光学仿真》第一版的第三章源程序,主要是关于单模光纤和多模光纤的特征方程
MedianFilter.rar - 基于DSP的中值滤波器算法,能对图像进行平滑处理,达到流畅的效果
8954613Matlab.rar - 车道检测中弯道的检测,是用MATLAB写的,能较好的检测车道 - 坐标转换加上示例坐标文件,代码可结合坐标转换公式进行学习
OpenCV-basic.rar - 《OpenCV教程——基础篇》电子书,OpenCV中文书中不错的一本
AMhalftoning.rar - matlab 调pin加网matlab 调幅加网matlab 调幅加网matlab 调幅加网
Bayesian-estimation-program.rar - 贝叶斯估计 和极大似然估计的matlab程序
RealTime_Plot.rar - 实时曲线显示类,VC++语言开发,可同时显示4条曲线(用户可自行增加),提供标尺和信息显示栏,背景网格疏密程度可调,可直接产生DLL移植到其他工程中使用。
HHT代码.rar - 适用于电化学噪声的HHT变换,求解边际谱和绘图 - SDK_key: 人脸追踪(FT) Key 5qTrdeA43zdBXJZt7HM1x1wX9XGt7QicRU6Nt8rXLQAn 人脸检测(FD) Key 5qTrdeA43zdBXJZt7HM1x1weJvY2koYyzGARH6wVoTVw 人脸识别(FR) Key 5qTrdeA43zdBXJZt7HM1x1wmUKoEpvhgJYHd5xAsFig3 年龄识别(Age) Key 5qTrdeA43zdBXJZt7HM1x1xPHL78Ekcog6LU5iNCCNLj 性别识别(Gender) Key 5qTrdeA43zdBXJZt7HM1x1xWSjNHHcbTHHP9VuHLX1rf 此处APP_Id与SDK_Key仅适用于ArcFace v1.1, 不适用于其他版本。 - 1.GPIO输出控制实验-控制Led亮灭,zigbee 控制LED亮灭
泰迪杯挑战数据.rar - 随机生成字符串,中文说明不能少于20字大于20大于20 大于20大于20 大于20大于20 大于20大于20
CCC_PID4_LOAD0.rar - 自搭建-4相开关磁阻电机电流斩波控制仿真,有速度闭环。
jtag.rar - verilog语言编写的jtag(边界扫描模块),初学的时候可以看看
test5_fast_foc_f28027_20180501(BSVPWM).zip - DSP28027使用快速FOC算法控制直流无刷电机
BP神经网络的C语言实现.rar - BP神经网络的C语言的实现方法,原始代码
