
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:44:02

UseTimer.rar - Visual C the timer control access to the current time, simply use the timer control sample, the following code which can realize gain time function: private void Form1_Load (object sender, EventArgs e) {timer1. Interval = 1000;/ / set the Interval attribute to 1000 milliseconds} private void timer1_Tick (object sender, EventArgs e) / / timer1 controls the Tick event {textBox1. Text = DateTime. Now. The ToString ();/ / get the current date} system private void button1_Click (object sender, EventArgs e) {if (for) Text = = "Start") / / judge whether the Text property of the button for the "Start" {timer1. Start ();/ / start the timer1 controls for the Text = "stop";/ / set the button Text attribute to "Stop"} else {timer1. Stop ();/ / stop timer1 controls for the Text = "start";/ / set button Text attribute to "start"}},2021-04-16 16:14:09,下载0次
vbActiveXSwitch.rar - A small functions include many commonly used VB control set of code, such as all the commonly used SwitchButton buttons, check boxes, LED display, ToggleLight light switch button, progress bar, the tray icon and ToggleSwitch, all integrated into the current in this one instance, when necessary, you can extract out one any controls, SwitchButton the effects on mobile phones are everywhere now, oh.These controls in the source code is a control file corresponds to a code, very good.,2021-04-16 16:14:01,下载0次
sfvc.rar - VC to instances, the shortest path algorithm for the shortest distance between two cities, to study the shortest path path evaluation algorithm learning helpful.,2021-04-16 16:13:54,下载0次
folders.rar - Collect a few C folder file operations of sample sets, involves the following example: gets the full path to the file in folder access to current folder in the full path to the directory for the root directory of the current file with the full path to judge whether the specified file name extension path is an absolute path or relative path to these examples to familiar with all kinds of file operations have a very good learning C value, can compile the source code, please click on the download.,2021-04-15 16:39:54,下载0次
flashxmljdt.rar - Flash effects - XML focus figure code company exclusive enterprise website, more new web images, switch based on Flash and XML technology to realize, adopting the processing mode of the rounded corners in addition to the thumbnail on the lower left corner of the big picture lined up, and the traditional approach of display thumbnails below visual feeling is different, specific for the company's web site, enterprise mines website design pictures show special effects.,2021-04-15 16:39:47,下载0次
vcprint.rar - Collect some VC print source instance set, these examples for VC are familiar with common programming has good printing operation reference, such as copies, how to get the printer information, get and set the print direction, scope of get and set the print page, page information, enumerates printers, paging play outside the implementation framework of the printer equipment environment, etc., were obtained through the print dialog is simple and practical print programming examples.,2021-04-15 16:39:39,下载0次
csRegeditm.rar - C disable and enable Windows registry functions, Settings are allowed to modify the registry, if disable registry, is actually to save the registry, the user cannot modify the registry keys and all the registry data change operation, can make some target registry function optimization software.,2021-04-15 16:10:17,下载0次
javachchesssrc.rar - Based: Chinese chess Java version of the source experiment report, aiming at Chinese chess program design of a series of problems, sums up some design method of search engine, and gives the realization of the Java language.The Java experiment, feeling quite good play, do a little game for the first time, and I like the chess game.Try next dish, also can play, nothing wrong, finally eat veteran, I won.It feels good, quite a sense of accomplishment.,2021-04-15 16:09:56,下载0次
ContextMenu.rar - Examples of Android ContextMenu EditText text box to add the context menu, the menu is to activate and show the way, the user in the EditText input box above press 2 seconds long, can pop up the context menu, as shown in the operation screenshot effect, in order to achieve this function, create the onCreateContextMenu (ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu. ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) method, this method at every time of bring up the context menu will be called once, example adds two text boxes, in this method will determine which users click the text box, and then define the menu item selected changes after the callback method, return to which the menu is activated, and show the context menu.Examples are small, but very useful.,2021-04-15 16:09:47,下载0次

ET99资料.rar - ET99加密狗破解工具和思路,担心有毒可以在沙盒里运行
代码.zip - 给定包含多个球员能力值的数据集,使用支撑向量机回归和BP神经网络实现对测试集预测
MATLAB-Codes-for-FEA.rar - Matlab在有限元中的应用经典教程,从结构动力学基本方程到编程方法
three_phase_vsc.rar - This is modeling three phase VSC
calculation.rar - 计算线路载流容量,有助于把握输电线路的最大允许载流
qpsk_mapper.zip - This file includes QPSK mapping function.
CMFB_and_DFT.rar - DFT滤波器组,画出了DFT分析滤波器组的图形,比较了余弦调制滤波器组(CMFB)和DFT滤波器组的性能
ShapeRecognition.zip - Shap Context based Shape recognition
MFCVLC.zip - 用VLC 控件播放视频的 VC源码。。。。 一个VLC控件范例。
OUC-Physical-Oceanography-Notes-master.zip - 中国海洋大学物理海洋学笔记 采用Latex编写
AI_project_2011.zip - 四子棋的AI程序,采用alpha_beta剪枝实现,采用的数据结构极为简单
stm32f1_to_stm32l4.rar - 将工程从stm32f1平台移植到stm32l4平台的方法。
ARMA.rar - ARMA时间序列模型预测风电场风功率大小,matlab源代码特例分析
73462657ridge.rar - 小波脊线的提取很好的小波学习程序,可进行模态参数的识别
51-single-MODBUS-communi.rar - 51单片机MODBUS通信一例 ,读者可以通过单片机与一切具有MODBUS通讯协议的智能设备进行通信
J2_vumat.zip - VUMAT J2 用户子程序,可以进行简单的弹塑性各向同性材料计算
BP神经网络算法的C语言实现代码.rar - 用C语言编程,进行bp神经网络算法程序实现
gaolumeiqiyucetxt.rar - 高炉煤气预测
GUIBuilder.zip - 一个关于SI4730收音模块在C51单片机应用中的源代码。里面有详尽的注释
homomorphic_filtering.zip - 同态滤波增强暗部细节,通过分解为照射分量和反射分量处理图片
