
注册日期:2020-12-04 15:44:20

chezhanfla.rar - An international auto show Flash animation, production time basic is some basic skills, picture animation, animation and so on, using the complement between animation, animation to linear effect, hope can make similar Flash works to provide some reference for you.Mainly used in outdoor large screen ads, TV ads, etc.,2021-04-26 16:12:24,下载0次
alipaymenus.rar - Ali alipay website menu atmosphere, beautiful secondary menu, after the mouse on the background of the menu display like radio buttons, operation experience is also quite good, previously used in alipay website menu, pay treasure to redesign now, also didn't see, big website code, compatibility of prescription.,2021-04-26 16:12:09,下载0次
Maybecms.rar - Maybecms station is a suitable for information, articles, web sites and enterprises, the company's web site PHP content management system, high speed performance, accord with SEO, plug-in extension is convenient, the template engine is easy to use, based on open source framework KONGPHP development, each column and page SEO optimization function.Backstage function: set, classification, modules, themes, plugins, user management, etc.,2021-04-26 16:12:02,下载0次
aspflaguestbook.rar - ASP combined fLASH implemented online message this function, know the ASP and fLASH interactive function, the architecture of a few years ago the message this is very common, this source code USES ASP ACCESS to fLASH the way of message this function with an animation effect, has realized the submit comments, the function of the message list, view detailed message.,2021-04-15 16:42:43,下载0次
vbDataLogger2.rar - VB6.0 by use of serial waveform display and analysis software source code, can be a serial port in real-time data sampling, can real-time output peak level signal, supports external clock and internal clock trigger, in decimal and hexadecimal display;Horizontal vertical coordinates is adjustable, adjustable amplitude, can customize the color curve, support the real time curve zoom, custom, historical data playback, and other functions.,2021-04-15 16:42:34,下载0次
getextinfo.rar - VC program Windows extension query and specification, why is that program?Because the query after the extension, will have the extension file types, what program to open.In addition there is a bright spot in the query input is the function, when you enter any character, if there is a match of extension, will be in the input box below shows the corresponding extension type and specification.,2021-04-15 16:14:46,下载0次
vb6.0formtrace.rar - VB activation window gray, not with any part, is a dedicated to activate the window gray do not click on the program, form activator, such as form the original grey buttons, menus, etc., this program can make them into normal clickable, program the author: new forest.,2021-04-15 16:14:39,下载0次
flashmouseline.rar - Flash animation line controlled by the mouse, the mouse to draw a strip shadow line, the mouse click will be a line, click again will determine the end of line, bending line, click the more picture.,2021-04-15 16:14:32,下载0次

ADS7950驱动 - ADS7950有4路输入,并且可以对每一路输入单独设置输入范围,可以使用在通道需要不同输入范围的情况下。
BP_xunqiu.rar - 应用BP神经网络寻求风力发电机组的最优算法
-扩频通信实验 - 产生m序列 画出其自相关函数和功率谱密度曲线 利用m序列模二产生gold序列 计算gold序列的互相关函数 - 已知光纤各参数,纤芯、包层折射率,芯径以及传输波长,做出光纤特征方程随U值变化的曲线,可据此求出U,继而求出传输常数
shift.rar - Matlab编写的图像配准函数,可达到0.01像素精度,并附有算法说明pdf文档 - 基于VHDL的SDH专用芯片的TOP-DOWN设计, 内有全套源码以及图片,内容详尽,绝对真实可靠!
A.rar - A*算法实现栅格障碍路径规划matlab代码
资料.rar - 一些CDMA的资料,很全面,各种论文,都是再市面上找不到的现在提供给平台,可以增加平台的量 - 用VLC 控件播放视频的 VC源码。。。。 一个VLC控件范例。
TZPP.rar - 特征匹配的基础例程,包括图像的矫正和几种特征匹配算法测试,VS2015可以直接运行 - 本程序主要介绍了基于OFDM的认知无线电系统中最优功率分配的算法,从而确定CU的最大发射功率。
分支定界法.zip - 分支定界法(branch and bound)是一种求解整数规划问题的最常用算法。这种方法不但可以求解纯整数规划,还可以求解混合整数规划问题。分支定界法是一种搜索与迭代的方法,选择不同的分支变量和子问题进行分支。 对于两个变量的整数规划问题,使用网格的方法有时更为简单。 [1] 通常,把全部可行解空间反复地分割为越来越小的子集,称为分支;并且对每个子集内的解集计算一个目标下界(对于最小值问题),这称为定界。在每次分枝后,凡是界限超出已知可行解集目标值的那些子集不再进一步分枝,这样,许多子集可不予考虑,这称剪枝。这就是分枝定界法的主要思路。
acs712仿真.rar - ACS712仿真,51单片机通过ad0809模数转换后显示测得电流值 - matlap 仿真源代码,利用贪心算法实现认知无线电的频谱分配。 - 包含五个abaqus UMAT裂纹、蠕变等不同的本构程序 - 电机的程序,基于MCP5634,FOC控制 - 复数矩阵的运算、包括乘、除、加、减、求逆等
Cao.rar - cao法求延迟时间和嵌入维数,有程序有图,很好用
Image_mosaicing.rar - 图像拼接:实现两幅具有重叠区域的图像的拼接;使用MFC框架,内有程序使用文档
SignalProcess.rar - 基于Visual C++的地震信号处理程序源代码,包括常用的FFT和Hilbert变换代码。
