
注册日期:2020-12-05 21:10:50

vcDrawObject.rar - Design beautiful drawing of VC program, can draw a simple geometric shapes, and use the window control, beautify the beautiful window as shown in figure.Can draw the following graph:,2021-04-16 00:16:01,下载0次
MutexProcessSyn.rar - VC using a Mutex (Mutex) to implement the thread synchronization between different processes, realize the thread synchronization between different applications must come up with a name for the Mutex.Use the mutex to implement the thread synchronization between different processes.,2021-04-15 17:01:13,下载0次
html5wrangle.rar - HTML 5 drag and drop pictures, Delete selection function, top have a few buttons, respectively is to select all, all don't choose, Delete, can also click on any picture, click the Delete after dynamically remove this picture, just Delete in the list, of course, is not really Delete the images from the hard disk.HTML 5 effect, so please in supporting the browser to check the effect.,2021-04-15 17:01:00,下载0次
Version.rar - Delphi for file attributes information, here is mainly to get file version information, access to the file name (name), copyright (company), such as introduction, versions, file system attribute information.,2021-04-15 16:50:04,下载0次
vcchatroom.rar - An open source chat program source code, VC network based on the principle of the Winsock point-to-point connections, support people chat, server program is chatsrvr. Exe, the client is ChatClient exe. Please make sure that the server when the test run first, client computer IP can be connected to the server is running.When sending a message, can choose the font color, whisper to chat object, setting, etc.,2021-04-15 16:49:57,下载0次

PV_test.rar - 光伏并网仿真模块,采用PSO(扰动观察)完成MPPT
362320256grasstopmodel.rar - topmodel的C#实现方法 可以计算径流量等等等等~~~~~~~~
MTI.rar - 验证雷达回波杂波检测与剔除,通过一次对消和二次对消进行检验
mmullti-senssu.rar - 多传感器多目标跟踪技术研究,,主要研究多传感器多目标跟踪技术
油膜压力.rar - 用与计算滑动轴承油膜压力无量纲程序,可以运行,自行添加数据 - 该程序是混沌粒子群苏算法的代码,修改参数就可以用。
Fracture-Mechanics-of-bond-in-reinforced-concrete - cohesive crack in concrete - 超高斯光束在自由空间中的衍射传播,利用角谱理论。
GHM_Wavelet.rar - GHM多小波的变换与逆变换,包括预处理和后处理
2D_PIC.rar - 一个用python语言编写的二维等离子体粒子模拟程序。 - TSL1401 线性 CCD,包括功能介绍和原理讲解
Cadence-Allegro-PCB-SI.rar - 利用Cadence Allegro PCB SI进行SI仿真分析 - matlab代码CDMA多址接入多用户通信系统仿真程序
Programs.rar - 遗传算法基本原理详细讲解和程序实例应用。机械手参数辨识和伺服系统静态摩擦辨识。 - 各类电能质量扰动函数表达式,可以方便的对电能质量进行建模,便于后续算法分析。
J2 Plasticity - 适用于金属的弹性本构模型代码,可用于大多数弹性金属的模拟 - 已知压气机的状态参数可求解出该状态下的特性线
sdk.rar - 海康SDK包,非常好用,里面他的流程写的很详细,你二次开发的时候可以完全参照他上面的写,谢谢。
20160428-1.rar - 基于频率切片小波变换预处理,此方法适用于盲信号分离的预处理,方法有很多优点。
ukf.rar - 实现不敏卡尔曼滤波,可以用于雷达目标跟踪,多传感器数据融合等等!!!
