
注册日期:2020-12-05 21:11:03

DescriptionPaneAS3.rar - Based on AS3 scripts for Flash player source code files, blue style, broadcast format is unknown, is there any people like?,2021-04-16 00:17:45,下载0次
csTimerSample.rar - Examples of C using the ProgressBar control to create the progress bar, progress bar the source code for relatively simple, in order to convenient to check the effect of the progress bar, the program can progress bar for some Settings, such as setting up how much is the current progress, then observe the progress bar's position, in addition to the progress bar, the application of the sliding block is more practical.,2021-04-16 00:17:29,下载0次
vcBoxMan.rar - Source code, VC tuixiangzi game map editor sent similar before, but no map editor, therefore, the source can be reference to the map editor is the source code.,2021-04-16 00:17:20,下载0次
vcFinderDemo.rar - Based on multithreading VC efficient file search code, if the high-speed hard disk, the file search speed is faster, but in many cases, search for files is the bottleneck of the hardware itself, especially the hard disk rotational speed, like this multi-threaded file retrieval, theoretical processing speed is very fast, but I need hard to keep up with.,2021-04-15 17:03:27,下载0次

AVO.rar - 绘制双层各向异性介质AVO曲线,可以更改介质类型
image-fusion.rar - 内含4种不同的基于小波变换的图像融合方法的MATLAB实现程序,程序中都有相应的注释
HASP_HL_MSI_Driver_API.zip - Hasp Emulator utiltiy
TJ-Matlab-second.zip - 本程序用于复合材料里面计算等效弹性模量,采用的是渐近均匀化的方法
tftb-0.2.zip - 时频分析工具箱,包括常用的STFT,WVD,PWVD,SPWVD,谱图变换等
sha1_v01.rar - 基于FIPS 180-4标准的SHA-1算法的verilog HDL实现,分模块分别实现
1.深入浅出玩转FPGA_吴厚航.zip - 学习FPGA的优秀资料,从基础知识到开发设计再到仿真,很不错的FPGA学习资料
High-resolution-image.rar - 于轻小型光学成像系统,小孔径限制了 图像的极限分辨率,衍射退化造成了截止频率外信息的丢失成像系统所期望的 大视场不可避免的带来边缘视场的像差恶化,各视场退化情况不同,影响信息的 判读
add_noise_to_image.rar - 为图像添加各种噪声,如高斯噪声、泊松噪声、椒盐噪声等。(需有openCV)
Pre_S_DSP_CD.rar - 基于optisystem and matlab 的色散补偿时域算法
froq.zip - 比较完整的OFDM的仿真模型和源码,有比较完整的设计思路,可供学习
LDPC-BP.rar - LDPC码BP算法的性能研究,码长、迭代次数对误码率和信噪比的影响
LLE-matlab.rar - LLE算法学习源代码,帮助你学习LLE算法的好资料!
MOPSO.zip - Multi-Object Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO)
sMAPtool.rar - 完美世界游戏地图修改编辑工具,可以修改,编辑和同步地图文件。
extract-image-round-areas.rar - 用于图像提取圆形区域,可以自定义半径大小及圆心位置,也可以在图像当中点取
Wind-power-bearing-test.rar - 风电机组轴承的状态监测和故障诊断与运行维护
VC2008.rar - 超经典的VS2008教程,一个老外编的,清华出版社
ads1110-sca103t.rar - 应用高精度倾角传感器sca103t进行数字采集程序
idl.rar - 该程序是一个用IDL将多个图形绘制在同一个窗口中的实例程序,对初学者很有用
