
注册日期:2020-12-15 16:00:58

GetCount.rar - C statistic a value, the number of occurrences of database program, specific to this case, the query is the number of students in age of 25, the following is the core of database query code: string P_Str_ConnectionStr = the string. Format (/ / create a database connection string @ "server = WIN - GI7E47AND9RLS;The database = db_TomeTwo;Uid = sa;The PWD = ");String P_Str_SqlStr = the string. Format (/ / create an SQL query string "SELECT COUNT (*) AS the number of students FROM tb_Student WHERE Age = {0}", Age);SqlDataAdapter P_SqlDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter (/ / create the data adapter P_Str_SqlStr P_Str_ConnectionStr);The DataTable P_dt = new DataTable ();/ / create the data table P_SqlDataAdapter. The Fill (P_dt);/ / return P_dt populate the data table;/ / return data table,2021-04-15 15:06:48,下载0次
flashmouse256.rar - Flash version of the mouse with special source file, the mouse will automatically copy graphics effects, while rotating with the mouse, the mouse cursor to where, where it would like to.,2021-04-15 15:06:42,下载0次
vbRevoTron.rar - A good quality 3 d game source code, VB learning Directx programming value information.,2021-04-15 15:06:35,下载0次
XPPanel.rar - C style XPPanel panel control source code examples, can do some use panel, dedicated to Visual C panel control.,2021-04-15 15:06:28,下载0次
ChatService.rar - C structure of CS chat message module, server and client running at the same time, can simple communication, can realize the function of similar point-to-point chat, please enter the IP and port number before the test, the login function need server to cooperate.,2021-04-15 15:06:21,下载0次
slideflash.rar - Widescreen style with small thumbnail Flash pictures show the code, suitable for corporate web site use, especially the focus of this kind of atmosphere figure is put on the front page, let the site immediately on the tall, ha ha, code integrity.,2021-04-15 15:06:14,下载0次

several-image-fusion-functions.zip - 一个集结了多种图像融合方法的程序,有GUI界面,使用非常方便,其中包含的图像融合程序有PCA,拉普拉斯算子,形态学金字塔,对比度金字塔,小波等等。主程序是fusetool.
RLS.v.rar - 用verilog实现的一个2抽头RLS自适应滤波器的代码
MPC5744P_FreeRTOSV10.zip - nxp powerpc MPC5744P 移植FreeRTOS V10, 全手动代码,非PE生成,方便移植
605664225Barker_ambig.rar - 信号的模糊函数,主要仿真巴克码的模糊函数
gibbs.rar - 属于马尔科夫蒙特卡洛仿真的一种快速收敛方法gibbs抽样
PCA-SVM.rar - 利用主成份分析 SVM 实现 人脸识别
doppler_files.zip - MIT 简易自制雷达多普勒信号分析代码 合成孔径雷达信号的DTI分析
ican.rar - 可自行修改移植的CAN应用层协议栈,iCAN协议是周立功公司参考欧洲的CANopen、DeviceNet与致远公司开发近5年的应用层协议,这个包就是iCAN的协议栈,由C编写,方便您的移植使用!祝大家成功,有事可以联系qq:411592004
4744300935216457079.rar - 本文件为普通潮流计算 ieee14节点的潮流计算
radon_transforms.zip - radon_transforms拉东变换与反变换
LOF.rar - 基于密度的局部离群点检测,使用于当全部样本点的密度不一致的情况
spline.zip - 绘制B样条曲线,以及相应的De-boor算法程序
Wavelet_EntropyinformationLZC.rar - 脑电处理中,特征提取的几个有用算法程序,包括小波熵、LZC脑电复杂度、互信息等,以上程序,我已将亲自运行,可以通过,便于大家做脑电特征提取,希望对大家有帮助
LS_MMSE_SVD.zip - 可以比较两种信道估计算法的BER和均方误差
static_kalman_allorder.rar - 速度匹配传递对准,matlab,仿真程序
单目标优化.rar - matlab语言实现单目标优化,采用遗传算法
mexcdf.rar - 最新cdf工具箱,可在matlab中读取cdf文件,有详细word说明。
matlab-make-gif.rar - 用matlab实现多幅静态图片合成gif动态图片特效
ConjugateGradient.rar - 小波标架的共轭梯度算法(Mallat,信号处理的小波导引)
day8_alu_design.rar - this is verilog code for designing ALU in fpga.
