
注册日期:2020-12-15 16:01:36

jfProject.rar - Written by Delphi student registration fee, convenient learning sample financial personnel management of the cost information, simpler program belongs to the kind of, the interface is also simple, but the function is convenient to use, in addition to using this source also can be used as a reference example of learning Delphi database programming development.,2021-04-15 15:10:58,下载0次
vbfread.rar - VB demo file virus, simulated the Trojan, to release the original documents and running, in binary file copy, replicate.File. The bas module includes two functions: ReadFile File reading and WriteFile File is written to, the program written by the Guo Shaohao true light middle school in guangzhou.Test description:,2021-04-15 15:10:52,下载0次
javaalert.rar - Java write a schedule to remind program, but the new schedule, today's to-do list view, all the schedule list, and to do the relevant Settings, and can modify, delete, filter specified in the schedule information, complete source code files.Opens, the program will display a splash screen, this is also a highlight of oh program.,2021-04-15 15:10:45,下载0次
Mall_Banner.rar - Electronic Flash shopping website product pictures show the fla source file, the following nine pictures name can be shown, in response to the mouse to change, hover the mouse on the title, the picture above is automatically switch to the corresponding picture, especially suitable for shopping website, online shop to do product pictures show effect, also can figure slides using modified into focus.,2021-04-15 15:10:36,下载0次
csbrowser.rar - Visual C IE simulation - concise version of Csharp IE browser functionality, web browsing, forward, back, refresh, etc, and for enter the url address bar, as well as the form menu drop-down menu functions, the copy written in IE browser can provide forms for C beginners make, menu design, network access knowledge skills.,2021-04-15 15:10:29,下载0次
chuangyifla.rar - Flash creative design animation source file as an example, design beautiful animation effects, use Flash mask technology made a creative Flash animations, Flash8 source file example, study the Flash can be reference example.,2021-04-15 15:10:08,下载0次

GUI.rar - 图像融合GUI 包含多种方法 均值法 各种区域算法 以及各种融合指标
capacity-of-ZF-and-MRT.zip - 关于MIMO天线的matlab仿真,有代码和仿真结果图
fangxiangfenge1.rar - 实现图像分割功能的matlab程序,有效分离指纹前景和背景,方便下面的操作
LFMmhhs.zip - LFM线性调频信号模糊函数图绘制Matlab
mcu.rar - 开源三菱PLC,基于stm32f103c8t6
FH_chaos.rar - 在matlab中实现关于logistic映射的混沌序列的仿真
clean code-代码整洁之道(中文完整版-带书签).zip - 带标签的c++编程经典书籍,让你明白如何实现高效编码
红外V10byzmtws.zip - 程序实现六路PWM波的输出,实现了逆变器的并联
可移植的密码登陆系统.rar - 密码登录系统,基于Access数据库开发,支持管理员、普通用户创建,普通用户只能登录,管理员可对用户进行管理,包括增加用户,删除用户,修改用户等,该系统可移植到任何开发的labview软件,实用性强。
Matlab十大算法源代码.rar - Floyd算法,概率算法,类比法,蒙特卡洛,神经网络,贪婪算法,模拟退火算法,灰色预测,遗传算法等
pq1.rar - 实现逆变器的有功、无功解耦控制 采用功率外环和电流内环双环控制
LOF_KMDAF.rar - K_平均距离异常因子算法,可以用于检测模式异常.
OCT.zip - 光学相干断层扫描技术(OCT)在眼科治疗中的应用
wave-height.zip - 港口海岸工程中波高测量后,用于波高统计的上跨零点法。
Matlab模糊逻辑工具箱的分析与应用.zip - 系统辨识及其MATLAB仿真,全部代码及其相关资料
WS2812_test.zip - stm32驱动WS2812b实现等带的各种运动
xingzuo_simulation.rar - 卫星星座解算源程序,主要表征了卫星星座的解算方程和实现方式
K2.rar - 基于KALMAN滤波的MEMS陀螺仪滤波算法,陀螺仪滤波算法matlab实现
fbp.zip - 自己用matlab编写的滤波反投影重建程序,分别用空域卷积和频域乘积两种方式编写,滤波函数可以选择S_L或者R_L函数
micro-GA.rar - 基于浮点编码的小生境遗传算法,有别于二进制的小生境算法。
