
注册日期:2020-12-15 16:02:13

vbstautbar.rar - VB6.0 by use make the status bar, in this case is also a enterprise enters sells saves the management system of Windows interface to demonstrate how to define a status bar, VB form production example source code, welcome to download the source code reference study.,2021-04-15 15:20:24,下载0次
music_src.rar - VB music album production software source code, can be some music collective packaging generated music album file, run the interface as shown in the above, use quite good to use, suitable for music studio.,2021-04-15 15:20:17,下载0次
jianxian.rar - Java sword god legend complete code package, to extend into the Android game, I think is a complete code, including the game sound files and JAD file, belongs to the category of mobile phone games, great reference.,2021-04-15 15:20:03,下载0次
delphirandomline.rar - Delphi random disturb text lines, each line will be a text file disturb display order, at the same time also realized the drag and drop support files to a specified window by drag and drop file number, get the file name, random disturb the each line of a text file.Steps: according to the prompt can be finished in the window: to choose the need to disturb the file, and then select the save path, click on the "up" button, can check up file effect after operation.,2021-04-15 15:19:52,下载0次
jspajaxfileupload.rar - JSP no refresh Ajax upload file as an example, this procedure realize Ajax function plugin for Mootools, accompanied by a complete JAVA source file, upload a file, display the progress bar, timely show upload progress, the use of JAVA classes: Commons - IO - 1.2. Jar, Commons fileupload - 1.1. Jar, have enclosed package.,2021-04-15 15:19:39,下载0次
slideBanner.rar - From South Korea a Flash product figure display effect, the mouse on the menu graphics, content can be launched, according to the menu again after removal of the mouse, the menu restorable, looking at still pretty good.,2021-04-15 15:19:31,下载0次

X开始菜单.rar - labview xCONTROL创建方法,动态颜色改变
10GHzDFB.rar - 对10 GHz的分布反馈(DFB)半导体 激光器(LD)进行数值求解 - pca-svm的人脸识别,利用pca进行人脸特征提取,再利用svm进行聚类分析
matlabaansys.rar - 总结了MATLAB与ANSYS联合调用的方法,适用于进行迭代计算的情况
蚁群算法.zip - 蚁群算法功能介绍及软件算法实现,例题数据及代码运行。
Playfair.rar - 用java swing可视化图形界面实现的playfair加密解密程序
chat1.rar - 基于DES和RSA的加密聊天工具,共包含4个文件: chat.cpp、des.h、rsa.h、makefile。 编译:命令行模式下,切换到代码所在目录,输入make后回车即可。 运行:命令行模式下输入 ./chat,然后选择程序执行角色(客户端或服务器),如选择服务器,则程序自动打开端口开始监听;如选择客户端,则需要输入服务器地址。最后输入命令quit退出程序。 此外,代码中实现了异步,select以及普通三种IO模型,需要通过定义宏控制。
MYCAR1.rar - 智能小车,基于STM32F103C8T6,PWM控制四路电机,包含寻迹,机械臂
GB/T - GB/T 27930-2015电动汽车非车载传导式充电机与电池管理系统之间的通信协议
My_DTC_good.rar - 永磁同步电机的直接转矩控制,控制效果很好!通过磁链和转矩估计,达到对转矩的直接控制。 - 对高光谱图像进行分类,处理。使用tensorflow框架 - 利用matlab进行离群点检测,包含KNN,LOF,k-means方法 - 虚拟OCT系统。包含时域,SS-OCT,SD-OCT信号模拟仿真 - 数据集扩充后,可以验证bbox在图像中的位置是否正确 - 几种类型的滤波小程序,可以去看看,全局去噪,阈值去噪
qt-beginning.rar - Qt是一种基于C++的跨平台图形用户界面应用程序开发框架。关于qt的学习,从入门到精通 - 模糊支持向量机算法,能得到重要的仿真图形。
Satellite coordinates calculation.rar - 根据广播星历参数计算卫星位置坐标和速度矢量 - polar code implemnted in matlab - 启发式算法中的模拟退火算法和蚁群算法的matlab源程序,研究生数学建模期间编写的!
