
注册日期:2020-12-15 16:03:24

ScreenProtect.rar - VC dynamic full screen images, like screen, images are free floating, similar to the effect of Windows screensaver, after open the application, full screen images, and then move the position in the screen, scroll to the effect of the picture.,2021-04-15 15:32:38,下载0次
vccal.rar - VC a simple calculator, function is simple, the interface Windows, but only can complete operations (add, subtract, multiply or divide the subsequent increases more, just a calculator program for beginners reference.,2021-04-15 15:32:31,下载0次
vcmyhtml.rar - VC in the program window displays the contents of the HTML web page, because the work needs to be on the Internet to find some on display in their applications to open the web application, in order to facilitate everyone to use and understand that I have to rewrite them into classes, remove the original some don't have much use function, but also to facilitate normal use, be clear at a glance, the program contains open the specified address web function, the dialog box shown inside HTML pages, the dialog box shown inside HTML pages, page related operation functions. Open the specified address.,2021-04-15 15:32:16,下载0次
Hotel_SQL.rar - Interface attached to the source code, very good Delphi hotel management MsSQL database features including infrastructure, hotel check-in check-out billing, reservation management, consumption, such as business management, as well as room management module, for the new room types to generate a new code, interface has done pretty good, USES a lot of humanized icon, make the whole software interface look more professional.,2021-04-15 15:32:09,下载0次
AddMune.rar - Suitable for Windows 7 VB right-click menu add-in, can customize the right software, and, more importantly, you can learn more Windows registry operation, INI file operations such as knowledge skills.Contains all of the files for Addeasy 1.0 complete source code, the program for Windows right-click menu enhancement tools, won a "Chinese shareware", "the software is a roller coaster" sites such as recommended.We can understand the registry operation, INI file operations.If you want to update version based on the development and to the outside, please carefully check the correctness of the code, to ensure that the user interests and keep Qingyuan in our program Studio or radically creative design Studio.,2021-04-15 15:32:02,下载0次
win1tishi.rar - Calendar alerts, eye screen saver, shutdown prompt functions such as small VB program, form production also is to have personality, the window of the diamond, in the screen saver will have prompt, and display the computer has been running time, time date set.Source involves a lot of time in the usage of the technique, is worthy of reference.,2021-04-15 15:31:55,下载0次

toolbox-master.zip - 该节主要介绍下matlab下的光流法以及一个研究物体检测方面的一个较好的工具箱 :Piotr’s Computer Vision Matlab Toolbox .将这两个工具箱及其里面所有文件的路径都添加到matlab路径中去,这样的话基本上是可以用了。 Piotr’s 的工具箱里面的函数很多,也涉及到了很多方面,更主要的是关于目标检测方面的。
带权重条件熵的属性约简算法.rar - 粗糙集理论中最重要的内容之一就是属性约简问题,现有的许多属性约简算法往往是基于属性对分类的重要性,如果属性约简的结果能满足用户实际需要的信息,如成本、用户的偏好等,那么约简理论将会有更高的实用价值。基于此,从信息熵的角度定义了带权重的属性重要性,然后重新定义了基于带权重的属性重要性的熵约简算法。最后通过实际例子说明,与基于属性重要性的熵约简算法相比,考虑权重的算法更加符合用户的实际需求。
ncep.rar - 用于自NOAA下载的风场数据(.nc)绘图成相关图件
基于超像素的图像分割.zip - 基于超像素的图像分割;使用matlab编程,运行main.m文件。
stm32.rar - stm32内存管理,支持智能指针和碎片整理,测试函数有 Test1 和 Test2
fpgrowth.zip - fpgrowth算法的python实现以及相关实验数据
threephase_alternating_dcdc.rar - 三相交错双向DCDC MATLAB 模型仿真
Simulate.rar - FPGA控制AD逐点采集信号,并将AD转换后的数据串行发送出去。
cucaodu.zip - 通过MATLAB用于牙齿OCT图像粗糙度的简单计算
MODBUS转20mA电流环.rar - RS232 转 4-20mA电流环原理图;工业品;
STM32-DAC.rar - stm32 dac例程。串口发送电压值到下位机,下位机通过DAC输出这个电压值。
12408927_G_P算法.rar - 关联维数求解,大组件构建,可以快速得到关联维数的值。
bemf_hardware_detect.rar - 无刷直流电机反 电 势 过 零 检 测 配 置
OFDM.rar - OFDM系统仿真分析及基于循环前缀的研究,是一篇优秀的硕士论文
chepaishibie.zip - 基于matlab的车牌识别,GUI图像显示,简洁明了,识别过程用的是模板匹配,文件齐全。
LBP算法程序.zip - MATLAB提取LBP纹理特征源码,可以使用
遗传算法.zip - 一个遗传算法程序求函数最优解,一个量子遗传算法求函数最优解
GA-BP汇总大全(含详细教程代码和论文).rar - 文中包含利用遗传算法进行优化的梯度下降神经网络的代码和教程,内容非常丰富,包含可以直接运行的代码和相关重要参考文献论文,可帮助理解,属于很综合的优秀资料,个人现分享出来供大家学习,谢谢!
Chan_Algorithm.rar - Y.T.Chan在其论文中提出一种具有解析表达式解的非递归双曲线方程组解法,该算法具有计算量小,速度快,且当TDOA参数估计误差服从高斯分布的情况下,定位精度较高。 本程序借鉴Chan论文中提出的算法,基于MATLAB程序,在已知TDOA估计参数的情况下,对信号源位置进行估计。 希望能够对研究 干扰源定位、无源定位的同志提供帮助。
