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注册日期:2020-12-16 09:18:07

vcdog.rar - A simple VC program installation wizard source code, to guide the user step by step in the installation program, a complete software includes basic part of the installation wizard interface seems to be more traditional, not too much to Windows, a little personality, but demonstrates the writing process of the installation wizard, the novice VC and use.Use a VC in the program TAB control, programming easily, very convenient to use, the effect is very good, ha ha.,2021-04-15 16:11:11,下载0次
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SimplyPlayer.rar - VC.NET MusicPlayer player source code, custom message, used to obtain the program icon in the tray operation get alerts, / / find the first index in a node list,2021-04-15 16:10:19,下载0次
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