
注册日期:2020-12-16 09:18:19

DataBinding.rar - C DataBinding, DataView data binding instance, mainly for primary examples, such as how to use DataBinding, DataView display data, test data ACCESS, although very simple, but it is the basis of learning C database programming, so if you just learn C, these instances is worth you to learn.,2021-04-15 16:15:48,下载0次
webps.rar - PHP online webps PS image processing source code, is a program that can use Photoshop online, interesting PHP source code, can realize the online processing pictures, complete pictures add filter functions such as cutting, change and filial piety.And the function of PhotoShop is a bit similar, because found that many people want the source code, but also can not find on the net, today share out to everyone, can be uploaded to the space use.,2021-04-15 16:15:20,下载0次
delphiclock.rar - Delphi writing to make an image of the electronic watch (watch) effect, simulation clock, made into circular interface, can't see the border around the window, like a transparent window, each pointer will move, mobile and calculation methods of each pointer interested may refer to: the vh: = 12.0 Hour / 2 * Pi *;Vm: = Min / 60.0 * 2 * Pi;Vs: = 60.0 Sec / 2 * Pi *;With Canvas do begin Pen. Width: = 4;Pen. Color: = clBlack;MoveTo (60, 60);LineTo (60 Round (25 * Sin (vh), 60 - Round (25 * Cos (vh)));Pen. Width: = 2;Pen. Color: = clBlack;MoveTo (60, 60);LineTo (60 Round (45 * Sin (vm), 60 - Round (45 * Cos (vm)));Pen. Width: = 1;Pen. Color: = clRed;MoveTo (60, 60);LineTo (60 Round (55 * Sin (vs), 60 - Round (55 * Cos (v)));The end;Form: the disc window if only can move, do not support the right-click menu, can not close, close the window need to press the ALT F4 on the keyboard.,2021-04-15 16:15:13,下载0次
FileManager.rar - Delphi document management system based on database is essentially, containing configuration instructions.This document management system to join the support of Office format files, can read display Word Excel file in software, can be delete, modify, add to the file management, can also record and Posting, and view any document content, you can also add accessories, is and will draft, nuclear and draft and approve Office processes such as access control, etc., apply to the enterprise internal Office use, interface effect please see screenshots.,2021-04-15 16:15:06,下载0次
ScrollPanelAS3.rar - Instance set based on the Flash as3 ScrollPanel animation, Flash version of the problem the other person a headache ah, Flash of those dozen of some file can go wrong, I don't know Macromedia company sold after Adobe, still can't solve the problem of the version are not compatible, good annoying Flash.,2021-04-15 16:15:00,下载0次
dedemb_sjpj.rar - DEDECMS kernel PHP electronic mobile phone accessories website source code, support adaptive computer station and mobile station.Should look is a PHP class enterprise web site source code, can make enterprise stand.Including the product display, company profile, and other enterprises standing basic elements of the page.Update please refer to the instructions inside the package.,2021-04-15 16:14:38,下载0次

msp430ifft_200504231003.zip - 低功耗MSP430单片机实现快速傅里叶变换代码原码和完整工程文件。
Human_OpticalFlow.rar - 适合初学者,光流,有主函数及图片,有mex以及路径添加
NOAA-AVHRR-data-download.zip - 通过官网下载NOAA卫星的数据,包括AVHRR数据,并对AVHRR数据做了说明
OMP.zip - 正交匹配追踪OMP算法,包含算法本身、单次重构测试、不同测量数恢复率以及不同稀疏度恢复率。该算法主要参考自CSDN博客上的文章。
nef-1.4.0.zip - 非线性滤波框架(nef),包括了 EKF,UKF,DDF1 DDF2,CDF,迭代滤波器,随机积分滤波器, 组合滤波器, 集合卡尔曼滤波, 高斯和滤波,粒子滤波,自回归最小二乘方法
PLC编程.rar - 某城市中排水泵站中的PLC控制程序,此程序的目的是控制水站中水泵根据水位的高低运行。
振动信号预处理方法.zip - 振动信号预处理方法包括,数据标定变换,消除多项式趋势项,曲线平滑处理,平均法,五点三次平滑法
fft.rar - 假设对截断信号 进行采样,设采样间隔为0.5 s。利用离散傅立叶变换和FFT绘制频谱的Matlab实现
caffeine.rar - 现有的显着性检测方法使用图像作为输入,并且对前景/背景相似性,复杂背景纹理和遮挡敏感。我们探讨了使用光场作为显着性检测的输入的问题。
optisystem7.rar - optisystem7入门中文讲义(网络版)以及Demo
UAV-cooperative-search.zip - 多无人机覆盖搜索是无人机的一项主要任务,将搜索区域进行分割后,每个子区域内成为单机覆盖搜索问题,大大降低了任务难度.对无人机的平行搜索策略进行了详细的分析,针对平行搜索策略给出了搜索起始点、转弯关键点、搜索终点的判断依据,使得区域覆盖率达到100% .分析了最小转弯半径对搜索路径的影响
新建文本文档.zip - GDOP contour函数使用,附有案例,卫星定位代码
Visual-Calendar-Planner.zip - Emr 电子医疗记录软件,国外产品 ,提供医院的朋友使用
ReserveDesign_Matlab.zip - 一个动态储备设计问题,需要用matlab的MDP工具箱进行求解。
dyna2d.rar - LS-DYNA2D早期的开发代码,非常珍贵的资料,里面很多子程序。
ofdm_im-master.zip - ofdmIM仿真系统设计源代码,有不对的地方请指教谢谢大家
vpsc7a.rar - 基于晶体塑性自洽理论 vpsc 模拟多晶体塑性变形的织构演化
宋知用.zip - matlab在语音信号分析和合成中的应用,附带程序,可直接在matlab中运行。
decomposition.zip - 运行emd,得到输入信号X的固有模态函数(imf),每列代表着信号X的一阶分量,X就是我们采集的信号。 hhtdn是hht去噪的程序,可以不看,仅看emd 和 findpeaks wvtdn是wavelet去噪程序,如果只是分解信号,仅用下面的语句即可 [C,L] = wavedec(x_noise,dl,wn); x_noise就是我们采集的信号,dl是分解的阶数,wn是分解的母小波名称
机器人示教器.rar - 603型号六轴机器人的示教器控制源码,机器人运动控制算法需另写。
