
注册日期:2020-12-16 09:18:32

secretary.rar - Android small example: to obtain the system information file browser, can realize the following functions: file system, file browser, operating system version, read/proc/version information, system information, system information of mobile phone equipment, operator information, mobile phone network operator information, running background services, the task of running, the running process, operators and system information, CPU, hard disk, memory and other hardware information, has been installed software information, runtime information, disk information, network information, display information, etc.,2021-04-15 16:18:04,下载0次
NetTalk.rar - VC program source code to download video phone, parts: network transmission parts, audio input and output audio and video input, video output, audio, video, audio compression waveform display and interface.Together to create a thread, audio input threads, thread audio output (both WINAPI implicitly created), audio video compression transmission thread and the main thread.Because the audio sampling rate than video sampling rate is much higher, the audio sampling rate of 8000 hz and the video is only 20 or so, so from a macro perspective, audio is continuous, and the video is discrete, which is no need to create a separate thread for video input and output.,2021-04-15 16:17:57,下载0次
vbScrolltext.rar - VB realize smooth rolling, rolling subtitles, the scrolling marquee effect, in the form based on VB API technology implementation, fairly good text effects, can be set rolling speed, custom scroll text, can load the external text content, can be set up scrolling marquee spacing, and text alignment, etc., more practical.,2021-04-15 16:17:48,下载0次
vcerjzediter.rar - A binary file written in VC content of small software, can open the file in binary encoding, view its contents, and carries on the binary file modifications when necessary, a similar program seems to be not much, but really want to write such a software, personal feel is not too difficult, this software runs window as shown in the screenshot.,2021-04-15 16:17:36,下载0次
jquery.flexselect.rar - JQuery Flexselect drop-down list box prompts the plugin with usage demonstration, Select a foreign drop-down box plug-in, front-end developer friends may come and contains documentation and usage examples, the drop-down prompt box, also can use at ordinary times.,2021-04-15 16:17:29,下载0次
JavaSwordSaint.rar - Java sword god game source code, written before nokia mobile phone, now seems to be out of date, but there is some basic Java programming ideas, and for the transformation of the Android also has reference function.,2021-04-15 16:17:09,下载0次

近期下载 - 微电网能量管理系统,能量优化,环境的预测
Library-management-system.rar - 图书管理系统,可以实现基本功能如:查询,删除等。界面漂亮。希望对学习数据库的人有帮助。
PID.rar - 针对水轮机调节系统PID参数辨识问题,作者在VC++6.0环境下,使用c语言,编写PID参数参数辨识程序,结果表明,该程序能够辨识出Kp,Ki,Kd三个参数,满足调节系统的误差要求。
按键疲劳自动化测试.zip - 一个不错的自动化测试案例,可以查看编程框架和一些数据类型用法 - MATLAB优化算法案例分析与应用的PPT,供大家交流参考
电梯.rar - PLC控制变频调速电梯控制系统源程序,可以增加任意楼层数、支持电梯的并联、群控控制。 - 去除坏平均值的mrs预处理:在fid-a软件中从mrs数据阈值中去除坏平均信号,以获得更好的效果 - 用MATLAB调用opencv的人脸检测器,已打包好,无需opencv,facedetection.m为示例程序
fir48.rar - 48阶FIR滤波器的verilog,包含测试文件
FBG_filter.rar - 用optisystem制作得FBG 滤波器
电机自抗扰控制和PID控制.rar - 电机的PI控制系统和非线性自抗扰控制系统的仿真程序。从仿真结果可以看出,线性自抗扰控制器和非线性自抗扰控制器一样,具有良好的动静态性能, - 利用粒子群算法对电力系统的潮流分布进行优化,判断当前位置是否是该单个粒子历史上最佳位置
designbook.rar - 电子设计书籍,此书主要介绍汽车电子,工业控制,医疗电子和小有电的开发 - Markov Decision Process (MDP) Toolbox div hr div B 文件列表 B : div div i
模块实验程序16bit+9341(STM32).zip - LCD9431 stm32驱动 并行总线 显示文字和图片
程序.rar - 绘制一天内负荷、风电、光伏曲线,包括负荷曲线、火电厂曲线、电池充电功率
traffic1.rar - 用matlab编写的,基于元胞自动机的交通流模型
tvpvar.rar - 时变参数向量自回归模型的估计代码以及模型应用方法 - 一些简单的对图像的处理和直方图均衡化的复刻,可帮助初学者增加认知
矢量编程潮流及最优潮流算法.zip - 实现电力系统的潮流计算以及最优潮流计算。
