
注册日期:2020-12-16 09:20:34

ShutDownDlg.rar - VC 6.0 regular shutdown, setup time, automatic shutdown, time in minutes, before determined using this function, please be sure to save the current work, the system will automatically shut down after the set time.,2021-04-15 16:42:51,下载0次
vbRotator.rar - VB form aligned text rotation and source code examples, change the font (only support True - Type font), fonts, vertical and horizontal rotation changes, also can be set up in the middle, left-aligned, right-aligned, at the bottom of the top alignment, alignment, and other functions, is the practical skills in the VB typography.,2021-04-15 16:42:44,下载0次
delphiTreeview.rar - Delphi create dynamic tree menu instance, by calling the database content is bound to the TreeView tree menu display, from the left side of the tree view you can see, the tree menu includes many child nodes, the nodes are read from the database to obtain, dynamic generation, compared with the static tree menu, this case shows stronger practicality tree menu.,2021-04-15 16:42:36,下载0次
yellowpmenus.rar - Jquery CCS implementation to slide out of the secondary navigation menu code, is a very good menu effects, concise and lively style of menu, animation, sensitive menu after the mouse on the menu to fall out, accord with standard of WEB2.0, compatible with all major browsers, minimalist code, modify the easy to use, hereby recommend oh, don't like the menu color, change myself.,2021-04-15 16:42:22,下载0次
vcMoveDlg2.rar - VC window TAB TAB example, when switching from the border mobile reserve position as pull a curtain, the whole TAB is mobile, add some dynamic to static form interface elements, scene two years of network ants software had such an effect.,2021-04-15 16:42:01,下载0次
vbTabDock.rar - A practical example source code VB6.0 by use of the framework class window, contains a number of commonly used form elements, like the menu tree, LISTBOX, TAB TAB, loading RTF document, etc., but also has the function of adsorption form together.These controls are basic form, can be used when programming are fairly good effect.,2021-04-15 16:41:53,下载0次

新建文件夹.zip - 用LabVIEW做了一个简单的菜单文件 可以实现下拉菜单选择不同的页面
14MT.rar - 测试后 可以正常运行,有源码+hex 文件 。目前我已使用在项目工程中 稳定性能好。支持的指令与三菱plc fx1n 相同
新建文件夹.zip - 主要用于雷克子波时频分析,有效的说明雷克子波在不同时频方法下的特征
channel.rar - 利用matlab软件对各种频率选择性信道进行仿真
RSSI_Theory.rar - RSSI质心定位算法,在无线传感器网络中可以实现较好的定位效果
wenbu3.rar - 对光纤光栅应变传感器实现温度补偿,解决应变温度交叉敏感问题
betweenness_centrality.rar - 求一个网络的介数,还是一个不错的MATLAB代码哦,希望能帮上大家的忙
INVTER_1111.rar - 电压电流双闭环控制逆变器并联系统的 建模和环流特性分析
QtmodbusTCP.zip - Qt5自带的modbusTCP类实现的TCP modbus通信,程序包含客户端和服务器,开发环境为ubuntu16.04+Qt5.6.1,如打不开服务器,请将编译出的程序用sudo运行。
NBPSO.zip - 一种优化的离散二进制粒子群算法,在matlab上做的仿真
PSNR_NC.rar - 本MATLAB代码计算了两幅图像的相关系数和峰值信噪比
A星.rar - 利用A*算法进行路径规划,寻找最优路径,达到目的,可以进行三维路径搜索
程序.zip - matlab实现机械设备故障检测,方法是通过对机械的振动信号识别对比来检测
arc_model.zip - 常用的电弧模型,在matlab中建立的电弧模型,能够用来研究电弧的电流电压特性。
Hought.rar - 霍夫变换 以及相应的源码 用于图像处理中的 直线检测 参数估计等hough transform
MICROGRID_PV_Wind.zip - matlab很好的微电网算法实例 可以在matlab上运行
maichongduopuleleida.rar - 这是随即信号处理中的有关应用,是一个脉冲多普勒雷达的matlab 仿真
ting-che-wei-kong-zhi-xi-tong.zip - 对停车场收费的智能化管理,完美运行,有兴趣就看下
image-restoration.rar - 图像修复是图像复原研究中的一个重要内容, 它的目的是根据图像现有的信息来自动恢复丢失的信息,其可以用于旧照片中丢失信息的恢复、视频文字去除以及视频错误隐藏等。
DP-CPPM-Harding.rar - A UMAT of hardening DP-Model with closest point projection mehtod return mapping algorithm in ABAQUS Described in Chinese
