
注册日期:2020-12-23 23:53:53

上传列表 - %pitchTrackAuto- takes in an aribitrary audio signal and generates an %estimated pitch track based on frames of the signal. This is a simple %rectangular window that overlaps among signals, but it can be augmented to %implement a hamming window to reduce smearing. %INPUTS: % x- the speech signal in question %fs -sampling rate %frame_length- length of frame you will look at for signals. (Transformed %to block size based on sampling rate) %frame_overlap - how much overlap between frame samples. (Transformed to %blockOverlap based on sampling rate) % show toggles plotting features,2020-12-24 00:40:07,下载0次 - %pitchTrackCepstrum- takes in an aribitrary audio signal and generates an %estimated pitch track based on frames of the signal. This uses a %hamming window that overlaps among signals to reduce smearing %INPUTS: % x- the speech signal in question %fs -sampling rate %frame_length- length of frame you will look at for signals. (Transformed %to block size based on sampling rate) %frame_overlap - how much overlap between frame samples. (Transformed to %blockOverlap based on sampling rate) % show toggles plotting features,2020-12-24 00:38:17,下载0次 - %pitchEstimate gives an estimate for pitch within the single frame %INPUTS: %autoframe- contains a frame of the autocorrelation coefficients %fs- sampling rate %OUTPUTS: %freqGuess- the estimate of the frequency,2020-12-24 00:28:13,下载0次 - %pitchCorrelation computes the autocorrelation of the given frame. %INPUTS: % x- the speech signal frame in question %fs -sampling rate %window- type of window you want to use %OUTPUTS: %r is a vector of correlation coefficients,2020-12-24 00:27:19,下载0次 - %pitchEstimate gives an estimate for pitch within the single frame based on %cepstral method %INPUTS: %cepstrum- contains a frame of the cepstrum coefficients %fs- sampling rate %OUTPUTS: %freqGuess- the estimate of the frequency,2020-12-24 00:26:28,下载0次

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mfcc2delta.rar - In this work, the Mel frequency Cepstrum Coefficient (MFCC) feature has been used for designing a text dependent speaker identification system. The extracted speech features (MFCC’s) of a speaker are quantized to a number of centroids using vector quantization algorithm. These centroids constitute the codebook of that speaker. MFCC’s are calculated in training phase and again in testing phase. Speakers uttered same words once in a training session and once in a testing session later. The Euclidean distance between the MFCC’s of each speaker in training phase to the centroids of individual speaker in testing phase is measured and the speaker is identified according to the minimum Euclidean distance. The code is developed in the MATLAB environment and performs the identification satisfactorily.
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CH3.rar - L3_1.m: 純量量化器的設計(程式) L3_2.m: 量化造成的假輪廓(程式) L3_3.m: 向量量化器之碼簿的產生(程式) L3_4.m: 利用LBG訓練三個不同大小與維度的碼簿並分別進行VQ(程式) gau.m: ML量化器設計中分母的計算式(函式) gau1.m: ML量化器設計中分子的計算式(函式) LBG.m: LBG訓練法(函式) quantize.m:高斯機率密度函數的非均勻量化(函式) VQ.m: 向量量化(函式) L3_2.bmp: 影像檔 lena.mat: Matlab的矩陣變數檔
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project_matlab.rar - Levison-Durbin 语音信号处理中的线性预测编码LPC 理论、格型滤波器以及求解现行预 测方程的算法,可以实现对语音信号重要元素的分析、合成甚至识别。 基于现有的实验平台,我们可以利用 Matlab 函数来获得几个固定语音元素(如元音) 的模型系数,LPC 得到的系数组成 IIR 滤波器。利用冲击脉冲 序列作为输入,我们就可以得到原来的语音。这是一种简单的语音合成功能。 - linear predictive coding on speech signal
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