John Smith Gagarin

注册日期:2021-03-25 17:39:20

Vocoder-master.gz - This application (also shown at I/O 2012) implements a 28-band (actually variable number of bands) vocoder - a "robotic voice" processor. It's a pretty complex audio processing demo. It also supports live input, and has several controls exposed; it supports MIDI control over the pitch and other parameters.,2021-03-25 18:09:11,下载0次
opusfile-master.gz - The opusfile and opusurl libraries provide a high-level API for decoding and seeking within .opus files on disk or over http(s).,2021-03-25 17:58:53,下载0次
JPEGDecoder-master.gz - This Arduino library supports the rendering of Jpeg files stored both on SD card and in arrays within program memory (FLASH) onto a TFT display,2021-03-25 17:57:30,下载0次
b64.c-master.gz - Base64 encode/decode,2021-03-25 17:54:45,下载0次
Melp.gz - This API provides useful information about some restaurants,2021-03-25 17:48:36,下载0次

speechVAD.rar - 活动语音检测,语音开发中的重要算法,尤其是在voip中广泛使用。该算法简单明了。 - LPC10e lpc55 c代码。内有详细说明,以及多个版本。还有fortran版本
LPC10的C源代码.gz - 语音信号处理的LPC10声码器的C源代码,压缩文件
lpc10-1.0.tar.gz - Low Rate 语音压缩
3.6kbpsmelp.rar - 语音压缩编码 melp算法 实现了3.6kbps的速率 - MeLPe Codec 1200 bps
2400MELP.rar.gz.rar - 2400 bps MELP语音编解码器浮点算法,主要列出了语音编码算法的c语言实现程序。
1.8kbpsMELP.rar - 1800bps MELP语音编解码C++源程序
sgi-ivox-4.0x9.tar.gz - IVOX - The Interactive VOice eXchange provides a telephone-like service via Internet Protocol (IP) based Local Area (LAN) and Wide Area (WAN) data networks. IVOX supports a number of voice encoding algorithms with data rates extending from as low as 600 bits/sec to 32 kbps. IVOX supports point-to-point and IP-multicast (conferencing) voice communications.
melp1.2.rar - MELP encoder: 2.4 kbps MELP Proposed Federal Standard speech coder
AMRCodec.rar - This solution use amr-nb voice codec to code and decode .wav files in order to sound quality on different bitrates. IDE: VS 2010 In solution four projects 1. ConvertWavToData - convert .wav file to PCM short file. 2. AMRNBCodec - amr-nb encodec 3. AMRNBDecodec - amr-nb decodec 4. ConvertDataToWav - convert PCM short file to .wav file.
amr-c-code.rar - arm音频编解码库,在vs2005上测试过
AMR_decode_C.rar - amr 解码程序 - Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) voice file to wave file - AMR-WB Fixepoint Code
Q8_1.rar - melp2400 to 600,melp algorithm,melpe - MELPe fixed point 2400/1200bps
lpc10-1_0.rar.rar - 是个是LPC源代码,供大家一起参考、探讨与学习!
lpc.rar - 语音LPC压缩算法源代码(C语音) - Melp_600 compiled on c ++
