
注册日期:2021-04-11 10:00:27

电话拨号音合成与识别.rar - Using GUI to design a telephone dialing interface, including key display, recognition display and recognition speed display. According to the principle of dual tone multi frequency signal generation, the user key signal is synthesized, and the key corresponding to the synthesized signal is identified.,2021-04-11 10:31:03,下载1次
课设仿真.rar - The main program of the main chip of the single-chip microcomputer realizes the temperature acquisition in general and circulates all the time.Through the interrupt application, the temperature difference changed by pressing the button can be recorded. Then set the timer and counter, and set the baud rate, start the serial communication, call the AD conversion subroutine, read in the user's input temperature value, and transmit the temperature value to the slave through the serial port.,2021-04-11 10:28:07,下载0次
sili02.rar - The FM receiver is designed by using incoherent demodulation. Through the simulation of the whole receiver circuit in Simulink software, plutosdr is used as the front end of the receiver to receive the broadcast signal of a specific frequency, and then through a series of sampling processing, demodulation processing and filtering processing, the audio can be played finally,2021-04-11 10:16:44,下载0次
leach参考代码.rar - Through LEACH algorithm, the nodes evenly distributed in the space are clustered, based on MATLAB platform,2021-04-11 10:08:43,下载0次
源代码.zip - The whole code is divided into main function (main) and sub function: delay function (delay), buzzer function (speak), LED flashing function (LEDlight), car forward backward left turn right turn parking state control sub function, left and right motor PWM speed control sub function, Bluetooth interrupt service sub function, car tracking sub function_ Tracking (), car obstacle avoidance with a few cars_ In this paper, we propose a new method to solve this problem. When the program runs, define each variable first, then enter the main function to get the corresponding sub function to implement each function module.,2021-04-11 10:04:21,下载0次

ajassp.2014.969.977.rar - Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is vulnerable to node capture attacks in which an attacker can capture one or more sensor nodes and reveal all stored security information which enables him to compromise a part of the WSN communications. Due to large number of sensor nodes and lack of information about deployment and hardware capabilities of sensor node, key management in wireless sensor networks has become a complex task. Limited memory resources and energy constraints are the other issues of key management in WSN. Hence an efficient key management scheme is necessary which reduces the impact of node capture attacks and consume less energy. In this study, we develop a cluster based technique for key management in wireless sensor network.
recluster-in-wsn-by-using-data-aggregation-techni - I am doing research in wireless sensor network in data aggregation. here cluster head send packet to base station .by using k means cluster algorthim A network is divided into k layer. k cluster are formed in k layer . each cluster has one cluster head . all cluster member send data to its corresponding cluster head by using TDMA . the cluster head performs the data aggregation and forward packet to base station .
route.rar - wsn路由,用matlab仿真,具有选簇的功能
vbf2.rar - 无线路由协议vbf,referred by (Efficient Error Recovery with Network Coding in Underwater Sensor Networks)
matlab-DBR.rar - 此程序主要使用matlab模拟了垂直激光器谐振腔的核心部件DBR的工作过程,得到其阈值振荡曲线
