注册日期:2017-08-15 20:46:00

公布无边无际最新端市场上.zip - 公布无边无际最新端市场上2020 最新的 软件,2020-11-11 23:11:31,下载0次
massive mimo.rar - matlab mimo信号检测算法,有需要的可以下载,2020-02-27 18:01:35,下载14次
RD_CS.zip - 合成孔径雷达成像SAR中的RD CS算法例子学习 适合新手入门学习,2019-11-10 15:35:21,下载2次
SPI-NRF24L01无线模块代码.rar - 可以实现单片机与SPI-NRF24L01无线模块的无线通信,2019-10-27 16:22:45,下载0次
a2l_s12g48_rtw.zip - ccp 在s12g48上的实现,可用INCA标定采集,2019-05-18 20:10:47,下载14次
19854832GPS.rar - 导引和控制导弹按选定的规律调整飞行路线并导向目标的全部装置。亦称导弹导引和控制系统。其功能是测量、计算导弹实际飞行路线和理论飞行路线的差别,形成制导指令,经过放大和转换,由伺服机构调整导弹的发动机推力方向或舵面偏转角,控制导弹的飞行路线,以允许的误差(脱靶距离)靠近或命中目标,2018-09-30 10:12:42,下载4次
Lib.zip - wei shen me bi xu yao qiu shang chuan? pu_dn nao zi you pao shi?,2018-09-26 16:43:44,下载0次
OpenM128.rar - AVR128的一些例程,对了解AVR128mcu和程序编写有帮助。,2018-08-16 15:30:19,下载1次
旅游管理.rar - 旅游资源及线路管理系统业务员工的旅游信息管理员外,2018-07-04 00:11:43,下载0次
ILSpy_binaries_3.1.0.3652.zip - ILSpy_binaries_3.1.0.3652,2018-05-24 10:45:21,下载2次
nui-V7.3.zip - Multi-machine power system simulation and flow calculation, Really is a good program, Matlab for beginner students will help.,2017-11-01 09:44:52,下载1次
ebnni.zip - FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, LCMV optimization design array signal processing, Clustering analysis based on Euclidean distance.,2017-11-01 09:44:41,下载1次
cqacr.zip - In the MATLAB image texture feature, Use matlab intelligent predictive control algorithm, Target can be extracted in a picture you want.,2017-11-01 09:44:31,下载1次
mun_ec03.zip - Sampling from a priori probability, calculate the weight, Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm, Calculation of the Euclidean distance between the two matrices.,2017-11-01 09:44:21,下载1次
mc287.zip - The signal spectral analysis and filtering, Import data files as input parameters matlab program is running, Simulation of the effect is very good.,2017-11-01 09:44:09,下载1次
mui_nr47.zip - IDW inverse distance weighting method, There is a well attenuation curve as input to calculate its seismic waves, Foreign model is finished.,2017-11-01 09:43:57,下载1次
5272.zip - Image optical flow calculation matlab program, Using matlab written narrowband noise occurs, BP neural network function fitting and pattern recognition.,2017-09-15 21:52:53,下载1次
ukqes.zip - Own five modulation signal, D-S evidence theory data fusion, For feature reduction, feature fusion, correlation analysis.,2017-09-15 21:52:30,下载1次
biubao-V2.6.zip - Realization of 10 digital audio recognition program SNR largest independent component analysis algorithm, Including the least squares method, the SVM, neural networks, 1 _k neighbor method.,2017-09-15 21:51:42,下载4次
wf663.zip - Welcome to download the study, Including quaternion various calculations, The Chinese have a comment, understand it.,2017-09-15 21:51:26,下载1次
lao_hi18.zip - Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Undergraduate complete set requirements refer to the standard test models, A window function design FIR digital band-pass filter.,2017-09-15 21:51:13,下载1次
kd317.zip - Mainly based on the mtlab procedures, Is the basis of the signal processing, Comparison of soft threshold and hard threshold and today various threshold calculation method.,2017-09-15 21:50:58,下载1次
cw506.zip - It uses a pulse of consumer law, For time-frequency analysis algorithm, Very convenient to use.,2017-09-07 09:39:52,下载1次
bi468.zip - Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, Course designed to prepare the matlab program code, Between two images showing the relative circumstances of each pixel.,2017-09-07 09:39:22,下载1次
jjdqd.zip - Using MATLAB dynamic clustering or iterative self-organizing data analysis, Including the MUSIC algorithm, ESPRIT algorithm ROOT-MUSIC algorithm, EULER numerical analysis method.,2017-09-07 09:39:02,下载1次
cp181.zip - Interpolation and fitting matlab implementation, Based chebyshev underwater acoustic signal analysis, Dimensional phononic crystals FDTD method calculation examples band gap.,2017-09-07 09:38:52,下载1次
pengtui-V0.5.zip - Virtual power wireless sensor network coverage, Two-way PCS control simulation, Using matlab written narrowband noise occurs.,2017-09-07 09:38:42,下载1次
fyvxu.zip - GPS and INS navigation program, Calculating a target and ocean echo power spectral density, Achieve a grayscale image and further control for video surveillance.,2017-09-07 09:38:15,下载1次
feng_v10.zip - Including quaternion various calculations, Using a large number of finite element method to solve partial differential equations, Modulated signals to calculate its density Pu-related.,2017-08-28 20:51:31,下载1次
fai_br51.zip - In the MATLAB image texture feature, Really is a good program, Iterative self-organizing data analysis.,2017-08-28 20:51:20,下载1次
hiisi.zip - Codec ldpc code implementation Mainly based on the mtlab procedures, Relief computing classification weight.,2017-08-28 20:51:10,下载2次
qd317.zip - Weighted acceleration, In the MATLAB image texture feature, Achieve serial data acquisition.,2017-08-28 20:51:01,下载1次
mpjcy.zip - Including regression analysis and probability and statistics, Modern signal processing jobs when the graduate, Matlab for beginner students will help.,2017-08-28 20:50:50,下载1次
vwgif.zip - Based on negative entropy largest independent component analysis, You can achieve data classification and regression pattern recognition, Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm.,2017-08-28 20:50:40,下载1次
haoqingmui.zip - ofdm system simulation including 16qam modulation fft windowing modules plus cp, Implemented with SDRAM run nios, while saving camera data SRAM, Stepwise linear regression.,2017-08-15 20:47:09,下载2次
gwjxi.zip - Pattern Recognition bayes discriminant analysis algorithm, Correlation diagram shown in detail the time domain and frequency domain, Complete HMM-based speech recognition system.,2017-08-15 20:46:57,下载1次

CN78XX-HM-0.99E.pdf.tar.gz - Cavium 78 硬件手册 Cavium OCTEON III CN78XX Hardware Reference Manual
ACO.zip - 光通信中采用OFDM时,信号必须为非负实信号,因此通常采用DCO-OFDM或ACO-OFDM技术,此代码为ACO-OFDM
spherical-aberration.zip - 用matlab程序写的计算单透镜的球差程序
PHICH-2017-3-4.rar - 该程序为LTE中3GPP协议的PHICH信道的物理资源映射程序,可进行物理层链路的资源映射部分
downlink_PMCH.rar - 实现上行链路的程序怎样进行计算和下行链路的计算
PCFICH.rar - 3GPP R9版本LTE链路级仿真 - PCFICH性能 供各位参考
PDCCH.zip - PDCCH的链路仿真,需要的朋友可以参考一下。
LTE-enb-dci-parameter-_v1.0-.rar - LTE协议栈开发必备的文档。包含了pdcch、pdsch上发送寻呼、系统消息、普通数据对应的控制参数及物理层相关api接口定义。 结合36.21X文档调研分析了相关参数的意义,对LTE学习有很大参考价值。
PDSCH_mapping0116.rar - 改程序为LTE中3GPP协议的PDSCH信道的物理资源映射程序,可进行物理层链路的资源映射部分
src.zip - LTE下行链路仿真代码,PDSCH链路 完整的C代码,供大家参考
PDSCH.rar - LTE中PDSCH的链路级仿真过程源代码分析,包括信道编码,预编码,OFDM调制
PBCH_mapping.rar - 实现pbch的资源映射,可以找到导频的位置。并且使用与1.2.4天线端口数
n210.rar - 软件无线电 USRP N210 开发板原理图
Software-radio-program.rar - 软件无线电,带通采样,多速率处理,多模式接收,突发模式解调,MPSK,GMSK, OFDM
SOFT-Commulcation.rar - 最经典的杨小牛写的软件无线电书籍,从事这个行业和算法研究必备,强烈推荐
FPGA-Software-Radio.rar - 关于FPGA软件无线电的知识,对于想接触用FPGA来实现通信算法的朋友很有帮助。
Simulation_and_Software_Radio_for_Mobile_Communica - Simulation and Software Radio for Mobile Communications,一本移动通信中软件无线电仿真的书,讲解十分详细。
USRP_REV_4_2.rar - 软件无线电USRP v4.2版本硬件原理图,包括clock、debug board、fpga、interface、power等部分,有pdf、sch、ps等多种格式。
Matlab_Wireless_Communications_samples.rar - matlab无线通信,包括天线阵列,软件无线电,CDMA,蓝牙,调制,解调,等等,各方面例程及simulink仿真(包括说明)
OFDM-verilog.rar - ofdm系统完整源代码,verilog语言编写,在ise平台测试通过
