注册日期:2020-03-15 12:15:00

Grading_fruits_image_processing-master.zip - Grading_fruits_image_processing 在该项目中,苹果根据大小,颜色和成熟度进行了分级,2020-04-05 15:23:20,下载6次
hires_spectrum-master.rar - Matlab代码已经过轻微修改,可以在现代版本的Matlab上运行。,2020-03-21 22:56:52,下载0次
SpectralPowerFitting-master.zip - 从全麻期间观察到的EEG功率谱特征估计最佳模型参数,Hashemi等人,Neuroinformatics 2018,2020-03-15 12:53:46,下载0次
Spectrum-Estimation-sp-master.zip - 频谱估计信号处理(fft,周期图,Pwelch估计),2020-03-15 12:49:40,下载1次
hires_spectrum-master.zip - 高分辨率频谱估计 Michael Hirsch移植到Python,2020-03-15 12:47:42,下载1次
MonteCarlo2FSK-master.zip - 基于蒙特卡罗法的2FSK系统抗噪声性能仿真,2020-03-15 12:35:45,下载2次
LFM-Waveforms-master.zip - 一组Matlab脚本和函数,用于模拟和计算LFM波形。,2020-03-15 12:27:58,下载0次

FBMC.m.zip - matlab file implementing FBMC
Guass-noise.zip - 产生一个高斯白噪声 利用MATLAB自带的fir1函数产生一个低通滤波器,限制高斯白噪声的带宽,由此产生了视频噪声。 利用产生的视频噪声,分别代入噪声调幅干扰的时域表达式,并且进行100次的积累后求平均值,对其进行快速傅里叶变换后,由此画出噪声调幅干扰的频域波形。 重复上述步骤,分别代入噪声调频干扰与噪声调相干扰的时域表达式,分别画出其频域波形与时域波形。
sequence_spread.rar - 一段简单的扩频matlab 程序 加噪声与同频干扰,增益20
matlab.zip - 蜂窝移动通信系统中的同频干扰仿真。旨在找到簇大小为N时,无线移动蜂窝系统中同频干扰的分布。
smartnoise_rectangle.rar - 用matlab仿真的灵巧噪声干扰,噪声干扰形式为线性调频信号卷积矩形脉冲串。
zishiyingmobanfa.rar - 子相干模板法,用于消除50Hz噪声信号干扰
信号数字处理FDM的matlab实现.rar - 频分复用(FDM,Frequency Division Multiplexing)的matlab实现,仿真时录入三路声音信号进行处理,将用于传输信道的总带宽划分成三个子频带,经过复用以后再将录入的声音信号恢复出来。
harmo.zip - 小波包频带划分,大k1值对应高频成分,与二带情况相反
The-effect-of-aliasing.zip - MATLAB中的混叠的效果代码,其中包含:时域的混叠效果;频域的混叠效果
gps-danpin.rar - GPS C/A码的产生,以及同频单音干扰的生成,并在自适应天线中生成权矢量
femtomatlab.rar - femto是目前解决中心基站服务量大、性能低的一个热点方式,该方式可以提供弱信号地方好的通信质量,本代码就同频防干扰做出设计,希望对读者有用
energy_SNR.zip - 认知无线电,频谱感知法 基于OFDM信号的能量频谱感知算法仿真代码
ofdm.rar - 正交频分复用(OFDM)是一种通过快速傅里叶变换实现的多载波宽带数字调制技术。相比一般的数字通信系统。它具有频带利用率高和抗多径干扰能力强等优点,因而适合于高速率的无线通信系统。正交频分复用 OFDM 是第四代移动通信的核心技术。论文首先简要介绍了OFDM基本原理。在给出OFDM系统模型的基础上,用MATLAB语言实现了整个系统的计算机仿真并给出参考设计程序。
OFDM-simulation.zip - OFDM(正交频分复用)系统以其抗多径衰落和较高的频带利用率,得到了众多领域的广泛应用。本文就OFDM系统中关键技术之一的信道估计技术进行了介绍。并分别叙述了OFDM系统和信道估计的意义,归纳了信道估计的分类,最后介绍了MMSE、LS及其改进信道估计算法并仿真出结果。
MCIK-OFDM.zip - Matlab code of MCIK-OFDM or OFDM-IM
mimo_ofdm.rar - MIMO OFDM matlab仿真程序,还有论文
FBMC-and-GFDM-Interference-Cancellation-schemes-f - FBMC and GFDM interference cancellation techniques
TR_FBMC.rar - this folder is an implementation of tone reservation scheme for FBMC system
LTE_TX_PDSCH.zip - The inherent robustness of OFDM against multipath effects makes it an excellent choice for situations where multiple transmitters are used simultaneously (to avoid shadowing effects) and a path difference to the receiver exists. One of the major disadvantages of an OFDM based system is the characteristic high crest factor of the time domain signal. In traditional RF based systems, this usually necessitates a transmitter with a high dynamic range and hence results in reduced power efficiency. In the proposed optical LED system, this disadvantage is turned to an advantage - the time domain OFDM signal is used to modulate (IM-DD) the optical source.
pure_OFDM.zip - The inherent robustness of OFDM against multipath effects makes it an excellent choice for situations where multiple transmitters are used simultaneously (to avoid shadowing effects) and a path difference to the receiver exists. One of the major disadvantages of an OFDM based system is the characteristic high crest factor of the time domain signal. In traditional RF based systems, this usually necessitates a transmitter with a high dynamic range and hence results in reduced power efficiency. In the proposed optical LED system, this disadvantage is turned to an advantage - the time domain OFDM signal is used to modulate (IM-DD) the optical source.
