注册日期:2007-06-11 16:49:00

带MYSQL数据库的ctp-wxzb-CTP-TradeServer-master.zip - ctp c++ 交易主机 宽客程序员福音,2020-10-27 09:35:16,下载2次
CTP_delphi.rar - DELPHI程序员福音,可直联国內期货平台交易,2020-10-27 09:12:51,下载2次
CETaskManager_src.zip - wince6.0平台上的任务管理器,功能类似于windows的任务管理器. In order to develop applications for Windows Mobile 6.x from within Visual Studio 2005 or 2008, you need to download a separate SDK from Microsoft. The SDK also ships with a full featured emulator, a powerful and indispensable tool to test your applications. This sample code uses COM and Compact .NET Framework 3.5. ,2008-12-18 15:52:40,下载164次
LogoHelper.zip - if an application works with restricted low level system calls, it must obtain a Microsoft Mobile2Market privileged signature. To get a privileged signature, logo certification is now a requirement, not an option! This article shows how to abstract some of the most common issues a developer will encounter when creating a native code application that must be logo certified for each platform. windowsmobile5.0以上版本logo注册例子,可以加入自己的工程文件中。,2008-12-18 15:06:37,下载3次
AntiRE.zip - 作为程序员的你是否为自己的软件被人非法破解使用而苦恼,这也是国外程序员的热点问题,相信你参考了这个源码后会得到反破解的一些手段。,2008-12-18 14:37:28,下载26次
fanhuibianjiemi.rar - 黑客反汇编,据说已是绝版,有人在论坛里苦苦寻求,如果他来到这里,一定会如获至宝的。,2008-12-18 13:51:04,下载20次

futureapi_6.3.15_demo.rar - 上期CTP接口开发,实现期货交易,Tick数据写入csv文件
mongo_query_data.rar - ctp海风mongodb入库.直接连接CTP接口持久化存储数据
