注册日期:2007-12-21 13:09:00

ChargerControlCenter.zip - 智能充电器与PC连接通讯的windows小程序.,2007-12-22 12:54:16,下载22次
current_motor.rar - 这是一款三相无刷直流马达控制器的程序,用CYPRESS的芯片控制的,提供大家参考.,2007-12-21 22:57:58,下载31次
Chargermain.rar - 这是一款新型充电器的程序,可以与PC连接通过PC可以直观的修改充电器的各项参数. ,2007-12-21 22:20:53,下载58次
PIC16F630-EV1572.rar - 用PIC16F630解码EV1527的学习码解码程序.,2007-12-21 22:10:56,下载688次
ADCINC12Projects.rar - Summary Many control applications require converting some analog input to a digital format. The ADCINC12 User Module is a general-purpose, 12-bit analog to digital converter (ADC) that does just that. This Application Note is meant to be a simple introduction into its operation. The steps required to define, place, and write software are presented. Examples are developed in both assembly and C.,2007-12-21 13:54:07,下载3次
CurrentSource.rar - Application Note Abstract The unique configuration of the PSoC® switched capacitor blocks allows construction of a programmable bipolar current source. A detailed explanation of this function is provided demonstrating how to build a programmable current source using a couple basic PSoC User Modules.,2007-12-21 13:49:53,下载4次
project.rar - Application Note Abstract This Application Note introduces a complete and detailed PSoC® project. Telephone Call Logger keeps the detailed record of approximately 945 phone calls (7-digit number is assumed to be one phone call) including date, start time and the duration of the phone call in the PSoC device. Users can get this detailed report into the PC environment by using free software, which is included in the project file. When records reach near full capacity of the Flash memory, an LED will turn on to show that it is necessary to backup the data. Software gets the data from PSoC, organizes it and prepares a printable version. Additionally, it sends the date and time information to the PSoC. The external parts in this project can be obtained easily in the market.,2007-12-21 13:42:19,下载6次

无感无刷直流电机驱动全攻略.zip - 电机驱动说明,首先要搞清楚一件基本的事情:我们只是来搞电调的,而不是去设计电机的。所以不要被一些无刷电机教材一上来那些林林总总的关于什么磁路、磁导率、气隙饱和、去磁曲线等基础知识给吓倒,那些东西是给设计电机的人看的,对我们这种仅仅以弄出一个电调为目标的人来讲,意义不大(不过你如果打算以此为职业的话,这些东西还是建议深入学习一下的)。 对于入门开发者来说,只需要记牢三个基本定则:左手定则,右手定则,右手螺旋定则。
数码管.zip - 51单片机的数码管代码以及软件仿真,适合参考以及连线
HW3000_EVB_SMA_V2.0A(433MHz).rar - 此原理图是验证过的PCB,波特率在1.2的时候功率20DB 时,空地上,离地面高度为10米左右,测试距离1000米左右
CAN—通讯实验.zip - STM32单片机CAN通讯,C语言源程序,可直接用
STM32_BLDC_PWM_Hall.rar - STM32的BLDC启动代码,带hall传感器
红外遥控.rar - 用红外遥控器遥控stm32f103c8t6
1-源程序.rar - ? 1.本设计采用STC89C51/52(与AT89S51/52、AT89C51/52通用,可任选)单片机作为主控制器 ? 2.采用霍尔传感器非接触式测电机转速 ? 3.LCD1602液晶上行显示当前的速度,下行显示里程 ? 4.电机的速度可调,来模拟速度快慢
代码-keil_v5.14.zip - nb-iot 测试程序可用,是电信的NB95模块的测试程序,KEIL环境
hejinlv-WeChat-Ble-To-ESP32-Ble-master.zip - 可使用微信小程序实现连接蓝牙,进行通讯的功能
51_IR_RX.rar - 51的红外接收程序,可以修改程序以接收不同格式的数据格式
Keil C_接收端.rar - 单片机C51红外接收端程序............
hongwaijieshou.rar.rar - atmega128红外接收程序,实现红外遥控器的解码
embed312.rar - 8051红外接收程序,可以实现电视遥控信号接收
wl019lcd.rar - 遥控键值解码-1602lcd显示,是一个很好的例子
ir_hongwaijieshou.rar - 红外接收程序,这是42位的红外接收,利用单片机解码,keil编译,stc烧写程序
INF.zip - 红外接收入手程序,外部中断接收,红外接收头HS0038B,程序简单,易学易懂,keil开发环境51单片机
Keil C_接收端.zip - 红外遥控接收端解码程序,利用LCD显示按键的编码,实现红外接收
ADC_SAMPLE.rar - ADC模块实现模数转换,从采样接口输入模拟信号
onchiptemsensor.rar - ADUC834单片机上有个温度传感器.使用辅助ADC便可检测温度.用串口显示即可 KEIL3环境编写
Mini51test.rar - 高速ADC数字示波 keil3下编译调试通过
