sh-1993 在 2024-04-23 03:14:56 上传
说明:Real-time financial data processing using Apache Kafka, Spark, MySQL, and Grafana, orchestrated with Docker. This pipeline fetches, processes, stores, and visualises stock data.
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-23 02:20:10 上传
说明:Implement Authentication using Spring Boot, stars:1, update:2024-04-22 13:51:42
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-22 18:21:12 上传
说明:how to become a successfull data analytist , stars:2, update:2024-04-22 04:48:24
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-22 12:03:03 上传
说明:FileMaster is a collaborative document management system built with Laravel, Tailwind CSS, MySQL, and Laravel Breeze authentication. Streamline your document management processes with features like efficient storage, advanced search, secure access control. , stars:0, update:2024-04-17 11:19:08
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-22 05:23:56 上传
说明:The Spring_Security_Thymeleaf project utilizes Java, Spring Boot, and Thymeleaf for a hardware store s invoicing system. It allows employees to generate invoices and admins to manage product data efficiently. Key technologies include Spring Security for authentication and MySQL for database management, all deployable via Docker.
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-22 04:15:43 上传
说明:HackerRank,, stars:0, update:2024-04-21 17:54:15
开发平台:C | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-22 03:35:36 上传
说明:RGPV Enquiry Chatbot and ChatApp is a web based chatbot and Chat Application. The University and college enquiry chatbot project is built using artificial algorithms that analyses user’s queries and understand user’s message. This System is a web application which provides answer to the query of the student.
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-22 01:16:05 上传
说明:Project to fulfill CSC577 - Software Engineering Theories & Principles, stars:0, update:2024-04-21 16:44:04
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 23:39:09 上传
说明:Working with MySQL database in Golang , stars:0, update:2024-04-20 16:49:44
开发平台:GO | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 23:38:29 上传
说明:mezink-records-server,, stars:0, update:2024-04-20 18:57:45
开发平台:GO | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 22:44:36 上传
说明:Create dashboards and backoffices in seconds, stars:1, update:2024-04-21 01:32:38
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 22:25:59 上传
说明:KredinBizde is a central loan management software, feed loan list from external bank servers and serve your customers. Made with Spring Boot, MicroServices pattern applied. , stars:1, update:2024-04-17 12:30:57
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 22:21:58 上传
说明:Microservice-Online-Shop,, stars:0, update:2024-04-21 10:14:50
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 21:23:13 上传
说明:Express.js API for managing vehicle registrations and services. Includes JWT authentication for secure access. Built with Node.js, Express, and MYSql using Prisma ORM
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 15:51:41 上传
说明:A ML-powered to-do app created using NodeJS, TensorflowJS, MySQL DB, and traditional frontend (HTML,JS,& CSS) , stars:1, update:2024-04-19 07:06:17
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 15:50:51 上传
说明:?? MySQL module for Bearsampp project , stars:0, update:2024-04-19 11:23:27
开发平台:Batchfile | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 15:48:45 上传
说明:This repository houses my last homework assignment for the SQL module, focusing on SQL functions. Explore data manipulation and database structure definitions through practical exercises. , stars:0, update:2024-04-19 19:21:13
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 15:46:22 上传
说明:API utilizando a arquitetura MSC (model-service-controller) , stars:0, update:2024-04-20 12:45:23
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 15:40:42 上传
说明:CMS: A Java-based desktop app for efficient college administration. , stars:1, update:2024-04-21 07:15:19
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:09:39 上传
说明:Um sistema de agendamento de salas, desenvolvido com PHP., stars:13, update:2024-04-19 20:41:36
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:09:28 上传
说明:Repair Shop ticketing application, stars:1, update:2024-04-20 23:25:11
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:09:06 上传
说明:Aplica??o para Sistema de Gest?o e servi?os, stars:1, update:2024-04-19 23:23:19
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:07:46 上传
说明:fastapi template for oauth, db, prisma orm support, stars:7, update:2024-04-20 06:21:34
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:07:40 上传
说明:CakeNBake is an e-commerce website designed for selling cakes online. Users can buy cakes from the website after completing payment while admin can manage the cake products.
开发平台:CSS | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:07:22 上传
说明:科技112級畢業專題展 專展網站、線上展、展場AR互動、線上投票及留言功能開發, stars:3, update:2024-04-20 07:16:04
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:07:05 上传
说明:LineBot 津貼大搜查 - FastAPI, stars:1, update:2024-04-20 08:10:15
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:06:33 上传
说明:MutipleChoices Website Testing Online For Student & Teacher, stars:1, update:2024-04-20 10:08:10
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:06:28 上传
说明:Outil collaboratif de gestion de flux RSS, stars:1, update:2024-04-20 10:11:19
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:06:10 上传
说明:Nexus Chat is a web-based chat application developed using JavaScript for client-side functionality and MySQL and PHP for server-side operations.
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-21 09:06:05 上传
说明:Booking movie tickets, cinema web, stars:1, update:2024-04-20 11:15:38
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次