sh-1993 在 2024-05-20 07:15:38 上传
说明:Animation3D : 3D ??? ????? ?? ???????., stars:0, update:2024-05-19 23:02:14
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-20 07:08:18 上传
说明:A cutting-edge simulation platform, designed to transform the way we manage energy, as well as optimise grid operations., stars:2, update:2024-05-19 09:51:14
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-20 05:43:10 上传
说明:Humanoid soccer robots playgorund field simulation with c++ and opencv4 , stars:10, update:2024-05-18 06:45:55
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-19 18:17:40 上传
说明:Exact geometrical optics including dispersion to learn and design optical instruments, stars:3, update:2024-05-18 19:15:55
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-18 20:28:29 上传
说明:A list of resources for robotics and control systems engineering , stars:4, update:2024-05-18 02:39:42
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-18 15:53:24 上传
说明:A simple recreation of well-known simulation "Game of Life" by John Horton Conway, stars:1, update:2024-05-14 16:36:53
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-18 15:52:45 上传
说明:Simulations for the gambling card game Blackjack., stars:1, update:2024-05-18 03:17:34
开发平台:CMake | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-18 15:49:49 上传
说明:Picking3D : 3D ????? ???? ????? ????? ?? ???????. , stars:0, update:2024-05-17 08:10:11
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-18 09:31:55 上传
说明:Simulation of store operation with database queries , stars:0, update:2024-05-16 15:27:09
开发平台:C# | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-18 09:03:54 上传
说明:A 2D incompressible fluid simulation based on "Stable Fluids" by Jos Stam., stars:1, update:2024-05-16 06:24:48
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-18 07:00:48 上传
说明:C/C++ Simulation Optimization of Binary Neutron Star Mergers Repository , stars:0, update:2024-05-17 19:36:26
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-17 17:15:17 上传
说明:Mixed-Integer MPC library. Was successfully demonstrated on a free-floating platform with binary thrusters (under timing constraints) and a reaction wheel. , stars:2, update:2024-05-16 18:45:12
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-17 02:33:15 上传
说明:3D Falling sand game inspired by The Powder Toy, stars:3, update:2024-05-15 02:53:30
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-16 20:46:07 上传
说明:Matlab software for simulation of two-dimensional single particle tracking (SPT) data sets. , stars:0, update:2024-05-16 11:11:48
开发平台:matlab | 大小:0KB | 下载1次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-16 09:28:52 上传
说明:Repositório das Lives Tit?s Casca Grossa, stars:1, update:2024-05-14 21:02:00
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-16 09:23:03 上传
说明:robot_localization , GPS , Mapviz and Nav2 gps ( ros2 humble), stars:2, update:2024-05-15 15:25:34
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-16 09:21:27 上传
说明:Tento projekt ukazuje simulaci ?erpání vody ze studny pomocí programu napsaného v jazyce Java. Program umo?ňuje u?ivateli zadat parametry studny a ?erpadla, jako je pr?měr studny, minimální a maximální vy?ka hladiny vody, rychlost p?ítoku vody do studny a rychlost ?erpání vody ?erpadlem.
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-16 09:20:24 上传
说明:? A web app to learn and test triage skills for mass casualty incidents, stars:1, update:2024-05-15 20:22:13
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-16 09:18:35 上传
说明:A Python turtle simulation of planet movements to study Kepler s laws and how they emerge from Newton s law of gravity, for high school or lower level undergraduate students. Also, a slide show.
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-15 12:26:55 上传
说明:?? Simulate the operations of an e-commerce platform. , stars:0, update:2024-05-14 08:59:54
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-15 12:25:56 上传
说明:?? Conceptual custom GPT that simulates the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs. , stars:0, update:2024-05-14 17:37:30
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-15 07:58:01 上传
说明:Teleop-Low-cost-Dexterous-Manipulator-Robot,, stars:0, update:2024-05-14 22:32:04
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-14 13:44:29 上传
说明:Company simulator environment developed for Monlau students and teachers. , stars:2, update:2024-05-13 18:03:51
开发平台:PHP | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-14 13:43:49 上传
说明:DriveSceneGen: Generating Diverse and Realistic Driving Scenarios from Scratch, stars:18, update:2024-05-13 19:36:52
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-14 13:41:03 上传
说明:This is a simple particle collision simulation, stars:1, update:2024-05-14 02:44:11
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-14 13:40:25 上传
说明:simulating the chaotic motion of the double-pendulum system, stars:3, update:2024-05-14 05:24:42
开发平台:Gnuplot | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-14 13:40:20 上传
说明:An educational game where players build competencies as part of an interactive story., stars:0, update:2024-05-14 05:30:27
开发平台:GDScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-14 13:40:14 上传
说明:Differential Steering Simulation is a Flutter app that simulates robot movement using differential steering. Users can set the robot s position, speed, and wheel radiants to see how these parameters affect its path on a grid. The app provides real-time updates on position, orientation, and status.
开发平台:C++ | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-14 10:15:01 上传
说明:This package in the making offers the possibility to create optical setup and visualize the light rays going through it., stars:2, update:2024-05-13 08:33:11
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-13 20:26:26 上传
说明:Official Implementation of the CVPR 2024 highlight paper: Real-Time Simulated Avatar from Head-Mounted Sensors, stars:10, update:2024-05-11 20:15:22
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次