sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 21:52:28 上传
说明:image upscaling using python, stars:0, update:2024-05-10 11:22:15
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 21:18:19 上传
说明:Acquisition for sensor data., stars:1, update:2024-05-09 10:21:49
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 21:10:43 上传
说明:A Keras Model Visualizer, stars:25, update:2024-05-09 21:22:59
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 20:43:06 上传
说明:Thin wrapper for "TinyTeX" (MIT), stars:2, update:2024-05-07 07:52:05
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:53:35 上传
说明:This Repository contains the Machine Learning Algorithms! These collection of Jupyter notebooks showcasing various machine learning algorithms implemented in Python using Scikit-learn library. , stars:0, update:2024-05-06 02:49:06
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:53:35 上传
说明:Utilized machine learning algorithms (K-Means, Birch, Gaussian Mixture Model, Hierarchical Clustering, Mean-Shift Clustering) to identify hotspots. Validation with Silhouette Score and Heatmap. Hierarchical Clustering scored 0.943, demonstrating exceptional performance. , stars:0, update:2024-05-06 09:07:29
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:53:21 上传
说明:Analyzed employee attrition using Python and data science libraries. Explored factors such as job role, department, and demographics to understand patterns influencing attrition. Random Forest demonstrated superior performance with an accuracy rate of 94%. , stars:0, update:2024-05-08 09:53:50
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:53:02 上传
说明:Investigated factors behind student dropout rates using data on demographics, academic performance, and socio-economic background. It aims to uncover patterns and correlations to understand why students leave school prematurely, providing insights for interventions to improve student retention. , stars:0, update:2024-05-08 10:58:21
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:53:02 上传
说明:pythom implementation of the Fermi-Dirac ensemble learning (FiDEL) method , stars:0, update:2024-05-08 14:20:45
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:53:02 上传
说明:A Fashion Recommendation System with Image Features uses computer vision and machine learning techniques to assess the visual elements of fashion goods (such as color, texture, and style) and propose comparable or complimentary products to customers. , stars:0, update:2024-05-08 14:22:06
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:52:33 上传
说明:Script de Compara??o entre 10 Redes Neurais (com graficos) , stars:0, update:2024-05-09 12:42:23
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:52:33 上传
说明:?? Bangalore Property Price Prediction is a comprehensive project designed to accurately predict property prices in Bangalore. Leveraging advanced regression techniques and a dataset sourced from Kaggle, the model undergoes meticulous feature engineering, data cleaning, and parameter tuning to ensure high accuracy. , stars:1, update:2024-05-09 16:10:46
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:52:20 上传
说明:Educational notebooks reviewing machine learning models and concepts. , stars:0, update:2024-05-09 22:42:04
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:52:19 上传
说明:Machine Learning Project to predict ratings. , stars:0, update:2024-05-10 08:07:15
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:39:35 上传
说明:OpenAI Python Library Tutorial by Datalumina?, stars:3, update:2024-05-09 11:09:46
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:37:51 上传
说明:NotionGPT is an AI that writes and organizes content in Notion for you., stars:5, update:2024-05-09 20:30:47
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:27:50 上传
说明:Este repositorio sintetiza e integra los códigos utilizados para el desarrollo del trabajo de grado titulado: SISMICIDAD E IMPLICACIONES SISMOTECTóNICAS DE UNA ZONA DEL CENTRO – ORIENTE DE LA CUENCA DEL VALLE MEDIO DEL MAGDALENA (VMM) Y NIDO SíSMICO DE BUCARAMANGA con énfasis en detección automática de fases sísmicas y relocalización de sismos.
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 19:25:33 上传
说明:Data Structures and Algorithms in Python, stars:0, update:2024-05-10 11:15:43
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 18:21:07 上传
说明:商务数据分析实验平台(TGBA)安装程序 , stars:3, update:2024-05-10 04:33:18
开发平台:Rust | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 18:16:49 上传
说明:Yahboom Tiny:bit smart robot car for micro:bit, stars:21, update:2024-05-10 08:27:42
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 17:38:37 上传
说明:Chess analytics app: Flask backend, React.js frontend, Oracle Database. Dynamic querying and data visualization, user auth, password hashing, stars:1, update:2024-05-04 16:27:44
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 17:31:39 上传
说明:Python library to interface with Xian Blockchain, stars:1, update:2024-05-08 23:43:29
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 15:54:49 上传
说明:Django Cloud Task Queue. Integrate your Django Application with Google Cloud Task from Google Cloud Platform, stars:9, update:2024-05-04 21:22:08
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 15:46:50 上传
说明:Library Management System was designed to facilitate inventory management, book borrowings, customer data handling, notifications, and seamless payments ??
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 15:45:05 上传
说明:This repository contains a Python application using OpenCV for detecting mitosis in images. Aimed at researchers and biologists, it provides tools to automate the counting and identification of mitotic figures in microscopic images, supporting studies in cellular biology and medical diagnostics.
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 15:39:23 上传
说明:Face-Swapper, stars:1, update:2024-05-07 20:34:22
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 14:27:00 上传
说明:Python script that will aggregate career rank requirements locally. , stars:0, update:2024-05-08 20:25:01
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 14:19:34 上传
说明:一个基于爬虫以及数据可视化的Python项目,将目标文章分词和构建词云图,并用可视化图形展示数据, stars:1, update:2024-05-07 08:14:19
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 13:11:31 上传
说明:AWS Ops Toolkit: Your go-to solution for streamlined AWS interaction and management., stars:0, update:2024-05-09 20:32:42
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-10 12:14:25 上传
说明:Question answering using word embedding models (Word2vec , fastText , Glove) , stars:0, update:2024-05-08 23:50:33
开发平台:Jupyter Notebook | 大小:0KB | 下载0次