sh-1993 在 2024-04-14 04:40:58 上传
说明:"Idle Game: Name WIP" is an incremental game where players choose a character class and battle their way through increasingly challenging floors of a mysterious, ever-changing dungeon. As players defeat enemies, they earn currency to upgrade their character s abilities, attack power, and defenses. Progress is saved and no frameworks/libs are used.
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-14 02:36:22 上传
说明:The mini tomcat.(手写从零实现简易版 tomcat。别称【嗅虎】心有猛虎,轻嗅蔷薇。), stars:1, update:2024-04-12 16:41:51
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-14 01:48:18 上传
说明:Complete Intro to Web Develpment with HTML5, stars:1, update:2024-04-13 08:35:12
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 22:41:44 上传
说明:Rubik s cube simulator, stars:1, update:2024-04-09 07:48:22
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 22:24:37 上传
说明:Simple Node.js Web server with SSL support, stars:2, update:2024-04-13 00:41:59
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 18:10:47 上传
说明:This project showcases the creative integration of multiple API, Unsplash, OpenWeatherMap, GeoLocation APIs, Date and Time API, demonstrating technical skills and innovation in web development. Other, feature implementation of the search history and view weather of multiple location in a list/row. , stars:0, update:2024-04-12 03:55:46
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 18:04:40 上传
说明:Leverage APIs with Golang, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for a comprehensive music fan experience. Track bands, explore concerts, and dive into artist details with this interactive, responsive web application. Perfect for music enthusiasts looking to connect with their favorite bands and discover live events. , stars:0, update:2024-04-12 18:40:34
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 18:04:18 上传
说明:Websocket driven game platform in Go , stars:1, update:2024-04-12 19:14:28
开发平台:GO | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 18:03:51 上传
说明:pokemon-review-api,, stars:0, update:2024-04-12 19:44:30
开发平台:Java | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 18:03:29 上传
说明:Web API History implementation in Solid , stars:0, update:2024-04-12 21:06:55
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 13:52:50 上传
说明:for-interview,, stars:0, update:2024-04-11 12:12:56
开发平台:C | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 13:49:59 上传
说明:En simple webstack, som senere kan udvikles med flere lag , stars:0, update:2024-04-12 06:14:22
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 12:41:11 上传
说明:Henszac s repository, stars:1, update:2024-04-12 21:45:33
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 05:52:38 上传
说明:This is web JS framwork to build website networks developed by Adatage team, stars:1, update:2024-04-12 19:08:53
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 04:02:32 上传
说明:RowsX is a Chrome extension designed to streamline web scraping tasks, specifically tailored for websites with HTML tables., stars:1, update:2024-04-12 16:24:46
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-13 01:43:02 上传
说明:FuzzFindr is a robust web fuzzing tool inspired by the popular "ffluf" tool on Kali Linux. Designed to enhance web security testing, FuzzFindr allows users to meticulously fuzz web links using customizable wordlists.
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 23:45:51 上传
说明:Skillfolio: Showcase your talent effortlessly with our sleek, dynamic web portfolios. , stars:0, update:2024-04-11 22:05:04
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 23:37:39 上传
说明:A future prototype combining Deep Learning and IoT technologies that will hold immense potential to revolutionize our daily lives. , stars:0, update:2024-04-12 06:57:35
开发平台:SCSS | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 22:54:50 上传
说明:Artificial intelligence / machine learning neural networks and web scrapping , stars:0, update:2024-04-11 21:44:08
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 22:54:03 上传
说明:Web Based - several games where you can play against AI , stars:0, update:2024-04-12 00:03:26
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 05:54:03 上传
说明:Fast, simple, secure, powerful web Framework for node. REST API server, stars:2, update:2024-04-10 22:29:04
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 05:52:55 上传
说明:?? Shrimp is a batteries-included zero-dependency WSGI/ASGI web-framework for Python, stars:1, update:2024-04-11 09:35:25
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 01:49:55 上传
说明:My page, stars:12, update:2024-04-11 17:48:48
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-12 00:34:15 上传
说明:This is the react project to control glb model in real-time using face landmark detection and three.js, stars:9, update:2024-04-11 07:14:48
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-11 22:46:42 上传
说明:This is the write-ups of the challenges in PWNEU , stars:2, update:2024-04-10 09:55:03
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-11 11:23:58 上传
说明:Mangui is a MongoDB management UI written in React and Spring Boot , stars:1, update:2024-04-10 10:17:13
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-11 09:37:22 上传
说明:Fully Customizable Desktop Enviroment for Windows 10/11 with Komorebi windows tiling manager included. , stars:22, update:2024-04-10 22:27:12
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-11 05:06:19 上传
说明:CS, ????? ???? ?? ??? , stars:1, update:2024-04-09 14:08:28
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-10 22:10:58 上传
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-04-09 05:59:37 上传
说明:Farmers Market at Your Finger Tips | Sparkhub夏季黑客马拉松获胜者
开发平台:Dart | 大小:0KB | 下载0次