sh-1993 在 2024-05-23 00:27:32 上传
说明:Tic Tac Toe Game offers a modern twist on the classic game, combining sleek animations and customizable themes for an engaging experience. Built with React, it ensures smooth gameplay across devices, inviting players to challenge their friends. Continuous innovation promises new features and challenges, making it the go-to choice for having fun!
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-23 00:03:24 上传
说明:Running TapSwap in your browser | Запуск TapSwap в браузере, stars:3, update:2024-05-21 00:26:16
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 23:55:05 上传
说明: A Telegram bot built with JavaScript using the Telegraf framework, stars:1, update:2024-05-22 06:42:38
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 23:18:37 上传
说明:The Paper UI library allows users to easily import and style a wide range of components with a singular cdn link., stars:1, update:2024-05-21 18:15:01
开发平台:CSS | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 21:41:30 上传
说明:Blog application for allowing bloggers to express their ideas and connect with like-minded people., stars:0, update:2024-05-21 22:31:26
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 21:23:29 上传
说明:[Java Practice Plus]-In this course, You will practice more labs of Java. This will help you to master the skills more deeply. , stars:0, update:2024-05-22 09:05:08
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 21:21:11 上传
说明:Simple web application that allows users to add captions to a video. Built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and its responsive across all the devices.
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 20:36:34 上传
说明:Maps display with features supported like (reverse)geolocation, itineraries, isochrones etc., stars:2, update:2024-05-22 11:41:37
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 18:09:10 上传
说明:React Redux/RTK App , stars:0, update:2024-05-18 16:11:50
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 15:24:03 上传
说明:Educational programming language for teaching Assembly to beginners, stars:3, update:2024-05-20 15:48:42
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 14:36:03 上传
说明:Página introdutória criada a fim de estudo, referente ao conteúdo da Imers?o Inteligência Artificial 2a Edi??o Alura + Google., stars:0, update:2024-05-22 03:49:24
开发平台:CSS | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 14:00:32 上传
说明:Job Search Platform REST API built with NestJS and TypeScript, stars:1, update:2024-05-21 20:56:37
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 13:59:58 上传
说明:Metabook is a clone of Facebook and has the functionality for profiles, newsfeeds, posts, comments, and likes., stars:2, update:2024-05-21 22:53:08
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 13:40:28 上传
说明:Collection of JavaScript tools & utilities, stars:1, update:2024-05-21 22:27:41
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 12:52:02 上传
说明:Fullstack developer, stars:3, update:2024-05-22 00:33:36
开发平台:Others | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 12:03:54 上传
说明:Awesome Sparklines for React, stars:2, update:2024-05-21 11:36:55
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 11:18:48 上传
说明:Full-stack signals ORM with multiplayer, stars:1, update:2024-05-20 02:59:55
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 10:40:39 上传
说明:?? A JavaScript game library, stars:8, update:2024-05-22 02:22:31
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 10:40:39 上传
说明:Benchmark and Data Visualization package, stars:1, update:2024-05-22 02:37:05
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 10:27:00 上传
说明:This is a turn based Fantasy Game that follows essential JS and OOP Concepts, stars:1, update:2024-05-15 09:38:05
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 10:17:57 上传
说明:A simple API for the "Our Farm" shopping site to buy fresh goods like vegetables and cheese, built with Node.js, HTML, JSON, and JavaScript., stars:1, update:2024-05-21 15:43:47
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 09:30:28 上传
说明:Personal Website , stars:0, update:2024-05-16 21:02:25
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 09:29:14 上传
说明:A collection of coding challenges made with JavaScript from , stars:0, update:2024-05-19 22:58:37
开发平台:HTML | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 09:27:49 上传
说明:presenting you the all new blog webapplication, will be leveraging PostrgesSQL as database, HonoJS for writing APIs, Prisma ORM with Connection Pooling and many more backend tech and React and Tailwind for the Frontend , stars:0, update:2024-05-21 18:56:17
开发平台:TypeScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 09:07:37 上传
说明:an incredible JavaScript library allowing you to determine if a number is odd or even, based on the WET principle (
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 08:47:19 上传
说明:A personal Portfolio that describes my Profession, acquired languages, Skills, and projects done so far, stars:2, update:2024-05-21 18:59:21
开发平台:CSS | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 08:37:18 上传
说明:??Generate new features for npm, stars:1, update:2024-05-21 15:40:12
开发平台:Shell | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 08:35:43 上传
说明:The Quote App is a simple web application that displays random quotes fetched from an API. It allows users to generate new quotes and share them on Twitter with a click of a button. The app is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and it utilizes the Fetch API to retrieve quotes from a third-party API.
开发平台:CSS | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 08:31:19 上传
说明:This project implements an Artificial Music Generator using LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) networks, a type of recurrent neural network (RNN). The system generates music character by character based on a given input dataset.
开发平台:Python | 大小:0KB | 下载0次
sh-1993 在 2024-05-22 08:14:02 上传
说明:"Code7 Live Editor: A dynamic web application crafted entirely with JavaScript, empowering developers with real-time HTML and CSS editing and previewing capabilities."
开发平台:JavaScript | 大小:0KB | 下载0次