jonyy 在 2021-01-07 02:53:10 上传
说明:vicinity of the lower wall of the channel, which is enhanced with further increase in Weissenberg number. For shear-thinning bio-fluids (power-law rheological index, n , 1) greater Weissenberg number displaces the maximum velocity toward the upper wall. For shear-thickening bio-fluids, the velocity amplitude is enhanced markedly with increasing Weissenberg number. Keywords: gastric bio-fluid mechanics; Carreau model; curved channe
开发平台:Java | 大小:121KB | 下载0次
jonyy 在 2021-01-07 02:52:19 上传
说明:vicinity of the lower wall of the channel, which is enhanced with further increase in Weissenberg number. For shear-thinning bio-fluids (power-law rheological index, n , 1) greater Weissenberg number displaces the maximum velocity toward the upper wall. For shear-thickening bio-fluids, the velocity amplitude is enhanced markedly with increasing Weissenberg number. Keywords: gastric bio-fluid mechanics; Carreau
开发平台:Java | 大小:501KB | 下载0次